The....*gulp* Bachelorette Party

Chero sighed turning a page of one of her summer reading books. This was bad....Chero must have been REAAAAAAALLLLYYY bored....

It was the day before Chero and Riku’s wedding. Riku had been dragged off by Ventus and Sora for a....quote un quote “bachelor” party. Chero turned another page.

Suddenly everything went black as she was blindfolded. She opened her mouth to scream, but was gagged. The person was strong, quickly tying Chero up and tossing her over their shoulder.

Chero was tossed to the ground.

“Did you really have to gag and tie her up?” a familiar voice questioned.

“.....Yes....Cher-Bear would not have come if I didn’t.” Hime said.

The blindfold was removed revealing Hime, Ushio, Jen and DN. Chero turned her head and saw....MATT??

Chero was soooo confused.

“Matt’s here because he was helping us break into your house.” DN explained.

Chero blinked confusedly.

“This is your bachelorette party!” Ushio explained.

Chero groaned and rolled her eyes.

“I told you she would not agree to a party.” Hime said,”Now we’re going to
untie you and ungag you. You have to promise not to run or scream.”

Chero sighed and nodded.

Ushio removed Chero’s gag.


Ushio covered Chero’s mouth with her hand.

“Hush!” Hime said.

After Chero calmed down they untied her.

The four girls and Matt took Chero all over the place.
They stopped at a store that most normal people would not visit but of course non of the people in this group are anywhere near normal.

Ushio held up a whip.


Chero turned and looked at Ushio.

“Buy this~”

“No way in h*ll!” Chero said.

Ushio pouted and then held up a sexy maid outfit.



Chero tried to run, but was stopped by Hime. Hime threw Chero over her

“We’re not done yet Cher-bear.”


“Haven’t I been tortured enough?” Chero whined.

“Pfft....You call this torture?” DN questioned.

They went to the food court where Chero bought a box of cookies.


Chero looked up and saw Jen.

“.....Yes Jen?”

“What are you eating?”

Chero hid the box of cookies.


“Hand them over!”


Jen tackled Chero and wrestled the box of cookies out of Chero’s hands.

“Can I go home now?” Chero begged.

“Just one more stop.” Hime said.

The car stopped.(Matt was driving.....He needs to do something ok?!)

“Close your eyes.” Hime said.


“Just do it.”

Chero groaned and closed her eyes. Hime led Chero along a winding path careful to not let her friend stray from the path.

“Are we there yet?”

“Almost!” DN said.

Suddenly they stopped. Chero heard an explosion.

“Hime?! Did something just explode?”

Hime did not reply.

“HIME?! Ushio? DN? Jen?......Maaaattt???”

When no one replied Chero started to open her eyes when she felt a pair of hands cover them.

“Hime.....I wasn’t going to open my eyes.” Chero lied.

The person covering her eyes chuckled. .....That was not
Hime....unless....Hime turned into a man. Chero recognized the chuckle.

“Cherry you are such a liar.”

Chero’s face turned bright red.


Riku removed his hands.

“Surprise.” He said.

Chero gasped in awe.

The sky was lit with fireworks.

“Hime told me that you couldn’t see them on the Fourth of July. So...the guys
and I set this up for you.”

Chero glomped Riku.

“Thank you!”

Chero kissed him.

“I love you.”

“I love you too Chero.”

Ushio sat next to Lelouch and leaned her head on his shoulder watching the fireworks. He was drafted to help with the fireworks in case they needed his geass.

Ventus and Mei were setting off the fireworks. Jen was talking on the phone with Ikuto while DN and Matt played a game against each other on their DS’s.
Hime sat alone watching the fireworks.

“Mine if I join you?”

Hime turned to see Sora.


“You look upset.”

Hime sighed. -__-

“No need for that face. Make a better one like this..”

Sora made a really goofy face.

“Pfft...ahahahaha!” Hime started laughing.

“That’s better!”

Sora and Hime then started to play a game....a little game called “Would you rather?”

Chero smiled and cuddled up to Riku watching the fireworks. All her friends seemed happy and that is what made Chero’s bachelorette party one of her favorite memories.

