Dinner with Rai.

“Can I help you?” the young lady working asked.

“Oh. No thanks, not right now. I’m waiting for someone.”

“Is it your date?”

“No! We’re just friends!” Ayame said blushing.

“Right......... Who is he?”

“Naruto Uzumaki.... I’m just meeting him here cause I’m new and he offered to buy me dinner.”

“Uh huh...... Well Naruto’s a nice guy I’m sure he’ll be here soon.”

“He always comes when there is fresh ramen around....” she muttered.

“What was that?” Ayame asked.

“Nothing! If you change your mind just ask!”

A few minutes went by and Naruto had not arrived.

“He’s just late. His sensei is just holding him behind to train a bit
more...” she thought.

10 minutes later he still had not arrived.

"It’s on the house. You need it.” the lady said placing a bowl of chicken ramen in front of Ayame.

“Thanks....” she said.

With a dismayed “Itadakimasu” she broke apart her chopsticks and started to eat. She then heard someone walk in.

“Naruto?!” she thought hopefully.

“I thought maybe you could use some company.” ???? said.

She look over her shoulder to see Rai.

“Oh, it’s you Rai-kun...... I’m fine. Thanks anyways.”

“I wasn’t really asking if you wanted my company. I’m starving and ramen
sounds really good right now. One bowl of beef ramen please.”

A few minutes later a bowl of beef ramen was placed in front of him.

“Itadakimasu!” he said breaking his chopsticks apart. He then started to reach for his mask.

“Rai! What do you think you are doing?” ???? said.

“I was about to eat....” he said turning to face an Anbu guy with a purple and white bird like mask.

“You know you’re not suppost to take off your mask during a mission. You could really get in trouble for doing that.”

“It’s ok. If we’re going to be watching Ayame-chan for a while we might as well let her get to know us a bit, then maybe she’ll trust us more.”

“I think you’re getting a little attached to he calling her by her first name. This is only a mission and you cannot get attached.”

“Um.... Excuse me? I asked him to call me by my first name and what does it matter if he takes off his mask? He’s hungry let the poor guy eat!”

“Thanks Ayame-chan....”

“I’m warning you Rai....Don’t get to close to her...”

The guy then left.

“Don’t worry he’s always like that.”

“I hope you wont get in trouble because of me....”

“I’ll be ok. Now let’s eat!”

He pulled off his mask to reveal a slightly pale face (from wearing a mask) with a dazzling smile and gorgeous green eyes.

Ayame’s face turned bright red.

“Are you ok? You’re not coming down with a fever are you?” he asked placing his hand on her forehead.

That only made it worse. She pulled her head away and stuffed her mouth full with ramen.

“I’m fine! Really!” she said her word muffled with food.

Rai laughed at this.

After eating in silence for a while Rai decided he wanted to get to know
Ayame a little better.

“Um.... Ayame-chan? What are some things you like?”

“Well, I like animals, and practicing my medical jutsu. I love flowers!”

“Really? What’s your favorite? My sister has a large garden. Maybe you could
come see it sometime.”

“I just love daisies!”

“That’s great. So, do you like it here?”

“Yeah. It’s really nice. I’ve made friends and I feel so free. Not like when
I was at the Sound Village.....But now I’m here so the past doesn’t matter anymore.”

“Ayame-chan I-”

“Excuse me?” ???? inquired.

They turned to see a guy with a bowl cut and bug eyes dressed in green spandex.

“Are you Ayame Hattori?” he asked.


“I am Rock Lee and I have a message for you from Naruto.”

“Ok. Let’s here it.”

“He wanted me to let you know that he’s sorry he couldn’t make it, but he was sent on a mission. My team is going as back up, but when we get back I’d love to get to know you better.”

“That would be nice......”

“See you later!”

He ran off into the night.

“That was weird.....”

After finishing dinner Rai walked Ayame home.

“Goodnight Rai-kun.”

“Sleep tight Ayame-chan.”

Rai put his mask on and left Ayame standing at her door.
