Chapter 6: Memories.
The whole group traveled together this time. They used the key to unlock the basement and started to explore. In one room they found a key to a cell door. They kept moving. Chero grabbed onto Hime’s sleeve.
“Hime? Are you ok? You have been upset for a little while,” she said.
“I’m fine. What about you, Cher? You’re shaking,” Hime said, worried about her best friend.
“I’m fine. I’m just a little cold. Listen…If you saw anything, it was all a lie and you shouldn’t think about it!”
Hime frowned, “Shouldn’t I think about those false memories as a hint? I was just trying to rethink some ideas-”
“Just forget it! Forget it right now! Don’t even think about those things…”
Chero looked away from Hime and headed to the front of the group where she took Dino’s hand.
Hime watched her, “…Chero…I’m worried about you. Maybe the stress of the false memories and the monster are too much for her?”
Dante opened a lock on a cell like door with the key they found and turned left. The rest of the group followed after.
Dante stopped suddenly causing Kiki to crash into him.
“Ouch!” she cried, “Why did you stop all of a sudden?”
Kiki jumped around to try and get a good look around the giant.
“You guys!” Mocha cried.
Inside of a jail cell was Jenny and Francis with Danni too.
“Hey! What are you guys doing here?” Jenny asked, jumping up from her spot.
“We were the ones wondering where YOU all were.” Kiki lecture, “What have you
been doing?!”
“Before we explain can you open the door for us, s'il vous plait? We cannot open it from the inside,” Francis added, brushing himself off.
Dante was already opening the door before Francis could finish. Danni smiled and jumped into her man’s arms. Dante smiled and gave her a big kiss.
Danni’s cheeks turned red and she flailed a little, but seemed to be content.
“Thanks for getting us out.” Jenny said, “This was a good hiding place from the monster. But it was getting rather boring waiting for you all.”
“YOU BORED? I was the one stuck with you two!” Danni flailed.
“Danni, how did you end up here?” Dino asked.
“You three would not wake up! And there was a noise outside of the door. It’s a miracle I am still alive!”
“You were gone when we woke up…Did you encounter the monster?” Hime inquired.
“Oh. That. Well…See…It was boring keeping watch. And then there was banging on the door. I got up with the gun Dante gave me and opened the door. When I opened it I found HIM. ”
Danni crossed her arms and looked away from Francis.
“Désolé! I scared her and she accidently fired that gun. I only got a scratch though, so I am ok,” Francis explained.
“I already apologized. You shouldn’t have scared me! Plus…It’s only a flesh wound.”
“You three were pretty sound asleep when Danni and I traded information.”
“Danni and I did not want to disturb the sleeping ones, so we fought the monster in the hallway and eventually ran down the stairs…”
“Somehow the monster got ahead of us and was attack my wifu!”
“We were going to sneak away to get some more help…But Miss Jenny called out to us and of course we could not abandon her!”
“I could not fight it alone! It was scary!” Jenny piped in.
Francis gave Jenny a pat on the head and gave her a smile.
“Il est bien!” he said.
“Since we were not very prepared to fight we ran,” Danni said.
“Yeah and we hid in this cell, but could not unlock it from the inside…So, we had to wait until you guys showed up!” Jenny explained.
“OH DEAR GOD. These two found a chess board…and I wanted to strangle them every time Jenny shouted, “KING ME!” and the Frenchie had to remind her that they were
not playing checkers…” Danni flailed.
“That explains the red mark on your forehead,” Dante teased.
“Well it’s a good thing you all are ok.” Mocha said, “We should probably stay here for a little bit to tend to the small amount of wounds they got.”
“I’ll explore a bit down here,” Hime said.
“Kiki and I will lecture Papa and Jenny about running off like that…” Mocha said.
“Dante and I have some catching up to do~” Danni grinned.
“I’ll go with Hime!” Jenny cheered.
“Jenny! Did you not just hear what I said about lecturing you?” Mocha questioned,
“Besides we need to get you all caught up!”
“Oh come on! Hime can catch me up and lecture me. She is my ‘grandma’ after all! Right, Hime?”
“That’s fine with me. We’ll go look around now. See you all later,” Hime said.
“I’ll come with you too!” Chero exclaimed.
“No. It’s ok. We’ll be very quick. I’ll lecture Jenny for you, Cher, Mocha, and Kiki.”
“Wait. I’ll come too. There’s something that has been bothering me,” Kiki said.
“I just want to check something out, ok?”
“…Ok. Let’s go!”
“Hime…” Chero sighed, “Be back soon, ok?”
Hime smiled and nodded.