“Oh. It fell,” Dante said.
The mochii rolled out from the wall.
“Amazing! How did you do it?” Mocha asked.
“It saw the tomato Jenny had in her hand and it came right out!” Kiki explained.
Jenny bent over and fed the little angry mochii.
“Let’s put all of the metal pieces into the hole that was behind the mochii. Jenny…please stop feeding it and help me,” Hime said.
“But he’s so cute and angry. I will call you….Sasuke Mochii!” Jenny cheered.
“Fine. I can handle it alone. Grandma Hime alone again!” Hime said dramatically.
Hime put all the metal pieces into the hole.
The whole room started to shake.
“EEK!” Danni cried, jumping into Dante’s arms.
“What was that?” Mocha asked.
“I’ll check it out,” Tsukino said.
“Me too!” Leon said.
The pair left the room. Chero grinned and whispered, “My OTP”
“I wonder what that was?” Hime questioned.
“It came from the hallway…” Dante said.
“Let’s go! We’ll reach the exit soon!” Chero exclaimed, she paused and frowned,
“Oh um…my advice is…don’t…don’t be surprised, ok?”
Chero led the group out.
“See? You knew,” Dino said to Hime.
“Yes. Please don’t hide in a closet this time, Dino,” Hime teased.
“I wouldn’t mind if you just went there to build another safe house!” Jenny joked.
Dante waited behind as everyone left. He pulled out hid phone and dialed a number.
“…No answer….Did they get killed? Oh well…”