Jenny felt awkward. The two France’s....were...bonding? They were chatting animatedly in French and it was driving Jenny crazy! Mostly because her French was very limited. They laughed and Jenny wanted to hit her head on the table.
Her eyes lit up when she noticed a pretty cupcake sitting in front of her. She looked around, looking for the person who gave it to her. No one...So...she sniffed it. It smelled good. Hmm.... Nothing could possibly go wrong. She took a bite of the cupcake and was in bliss. It was fantastic! The best cupcake in the world.
Francis and Louise were enjoying talking about the French military. Francis was so happy to hear that Louise actually beat England many times. He glanced over at Jenny, who was very pale.
“Miss Jenny?” he questioned.
She fell out of her chair, unconscious on the floor. Francis quickly rushed to her side.
“What ‘appened?” Louise asked.
“I...I don’t know. One minute she was fine. Zhen zhe next minute...”
Louise looked at the table and saw it. A wrapper. He picked it up and sniffed it, clenching it in his hand, “Cupcake....”
It hurt. It hurt so much. Chero’s entire body stung from all the cuts Luciano gave her. Her shallow breaths also hurt with each chest rise. She closed her eyes, thankful for the small break she was given. Her voice sore from all the screaming, her ears ringing with Feliciano cries for her. Why couldn’t he just end this? Why did he have to keep torturing her?
Chero halted her breath. She felt something hot near her skin. She tore open her eyes and saw Luciano with a hot piece of metal in his hand.
“This is my’a brand. It will’a show who killed you, ragazza~” he purred.
Chero tried to jerk her body away as he searched for a branding spot. He lifted up her dress until her stomach was exposed. He ran his hand up and down her stomach, causing her to shiver before he jammed the brand down, up around the right rib area.
Feliciano pulled at the bindings as Chero screamed bloody murder. Her scream soon turned to sobbing Luciano pulled her dress back down. He then took the iron and pressed it on her wrist next to the word, abomination. The poor girl writhed in pain as her flesh burned under the iron.
“Oh Dio mio! Si prega di smettere! Lasciatela stare!” Feliciano shouted.
Luciano dropped the brand and slowly turned towards Feliciano. He walked towards his opposite, flipping out his switchblade.
“You’a asked for it~”
Over somewhere else with people we have not followed yet were two people. A boy and a girl. The boy had sandy blonde hair, with a cowlick that stuck out, dressed in a bomber’s jacket. Glasses covered his blue eyes. He was dressed in his military clothes under the jacket, talking animatedly with the girl.
The girl was tall with long legs and very long straight brown hair. But today that hair was pulled up into a military bun, though her bangs still hung over her left eye. She was dressed in her Marine’s uniform, so it was another normal day.
“Aw, Rach you should have seen him! He walked up to the plate and BLAM! Instant home run, dude!” the boy said with a laugh.
Rachel, the girl nodded, “Sounds like an exciting game, Alfred.”
“Yeah, sounds exciting. Would you like to play a game now?” a voice asked.
The pair turned to see a man with redish brown hair, walking towards them with a baseball bat covered in nails slung over his shoulder. He was chewing on a toothpick and spit it out as his slid his aviator sunglasses over his red eyes.
Alfred stood in front of Rachel protectively, “Who are you?!”
“Call me Al,” he said, swinging his bat, striking Alfred’s temple.
Rachel cried out as her friend crumpled to the ground. The man walked towards her.
“You’re next, toots.”
Oliver had prepared a nice cupcake for his 1P, whom he had tied up in a chair. He skipped happily over to Arthur and pulled his gag down.
“I made you a lovely cupcake, poppet~”
“No way in bloody hell am I going to-”
Oliver shoved the cupcake into Arthur’s mouth and giggled to himself.
Oliver pouted. Now who could be trying to interrupt his fun? He skipped over to the door and looked through the peep hole.
He unlocked the door and opened it wide, “The two France’s what brings you both here?”
His eyes fell on the girl Francis was carrying. He grinned.
“You got my gift! I’m ever so pleased!”
Louise grabbed Oliver by the sweater vest.
“Give us ze antidote or your cupcakes go up your ahss. I told you not to
involve civilians,” he hissed.
Oliver waved his hand, “Alright, alright!”
He pulled a vial from his pocket, “Take it!”
Louise took the vial and tossed it at Francis. Francis opened the vial and took some of it into his mouth. He then tilted Jenny’s head back and kissed her, getting the antidote into her system.
Louise threw Oliver to the side, knocking him out. He then walked over to Arthur. He looked the man over and untied him.
“Francis, I need ze antidote...”
Francis walked over with Jenny in his arms and handed it over, “Oh Angleterre...”
Louise gave Arthur the antidote making him cough.
“What the bloody hell is going on?” he asked.
“Angleterre, did you figure a way to...?” Francis asked.
Arthur nodded. He then noticed Louise, “Why is he helping?”
“I...I don’t know...”
Louise lit a cigarette and blew smoke towards the two men.
“I like my ‘ome. Your world ez too....bright. I also like fighting with ze othzer countries in my world. I don’t want to meddle in ze affairs of zhis world...”
“Then will you help me send all of you back?” Arthur asked.
Jenny coughed, drawing’s Francis’ attention quickly.
“Hnng....No...more....cupcakes....”she groaned, getting a small chuckle from Francis.
“I am glad you are okay, mon cher.”
“Enough chit chat....We need to go and solve this. I have a spell worked out to send all of you back home...” Arthur said, picking up his book.
“But I don’t want to go home,” a feminine voice said.
“Zoey...”Louise said.
Zoey walked through the open door, her arms crossed.
“I will kill her before you send me back!” she cried, pointing at Jenny.
“Zoey, if you kill ‘er you will-”
“I don’t care! Letezia’s DEAD!” she cried, falling to her knees, “If I go back...he’ll kill me...or...worse...”
Jenny walked over and hugged her clone. She looked up at England with puppy dog eyes.
“Can we please keep her?”
“I don’t think-”
“Pleeeeaaaassssseeee!” Jenny begged, “I’ll watch out for her!”
“What do you want to do, Zoey?” Louise asked.
“All I want is freedom...”she replied.
Louise looked at Arthur, “Save zhis girl. She haz done nothing...”
“Arthur, please?” Francis begged.
Arthur sighed, “Alright. But if she acts up I will send her back, got it?”
Jenny smiled happily, “Thank you Artie!”
“Don’t call me Artie!”
Rachel did what any woman trained by the military would do. Well...maybe not all woman, but it was something SHE would do. She kicked the man in the face with her military boots. She then stepped on his toes and kneed his stomach, causing him to drop his bat and his sun glasses t fall off and break.
He cussed up a storm, picking up his glasses.
“You broke my glasses, bitch. You owe me a new p-”
Rachel bashed him on the head with his own baseball bat, posing like a hero with it.
Her victory was short lived as she ran over to Alfred to check on his condition.
Arthur set up a magic circle in the room with chalk. There was a smaller one that Zoey stood in that would keep her safe from the spell.
“Alright....No one get near the circles until the spell is complete...”
Francis shook hands with Louise, “Merci! Merci beaucoup, Francia.”
“Ce n'était rien...”
Arthur stood in the middle of the circle and read the spell,
“Santo Rita Mita Meada Ringo Jonah Tito Marlon Jack La Toya Janet Michael Dumbledora the Explorer....Speculo speculum in pariete. Accipe quod tuum est et facere ieiunare!”
The circle glowed a bright red.
Louise stared at his hands as he started to fade away, “It worked...Your friends...I will tell you where zey are.”
“Are you okay, Alfred? Do you remember who you are?” Rachel asked as Alfred woke up, rubbing his head.
“The United States of America, I’m fine Rach....”he insisted.
“Who was that guy?” Rachel asked, looking at him.
He was tied up, still unconscious.
“I don’t know...But when he wakes up...”
The pair stared in disbelief as the man started to fade away.
“...I...guess you can’t?”Rachel said.
Luciano scanned his double’s body, wondering where would the best place to cut first would be.
He lifted his chin up towards him, loving the tears in his eyes. He pressed his knife lightly against Italy’s cheek.
The door burst open, causing Luciano to pull away. Standing there was Lutz looking worried.
“You’a know I don’t like being interrupted,” Luciano hissed.
“Ja...but...Kuro just vanished vithout a trace...”
Luciano’s eyes went wide as before his eyes Lutz started to disappear. He ran to his friend, reaching for his hand...touching nothing but air. He clenched his fist angrily, tears forming at the corners of his eyes.
It was then he noticed he was starting to fade too, so in an act of anger and frustration he threw his knife at Feliciano before vanishing for good.
Feliciano cried out in pain. Coughing up blood and looking up at the ceiling, a knife sticking out of his stomach, he smiled.
Jenny and Francis ran through the door and saw their two friends in a terrible state. France ran over to Veneziano and undid his bindings, “Italy?! Italy can you ‘ear me?”
“Big brother France?” he questioned.
Jenny sprinted over to her friend and quickly undid the binding holding her friend on the table. Chero shuddered and started to glow red. Jenny reached out to pick her up, but was stung. The red glow got bigger, surrounding Chero in an almost cloud. The wounds on her body slowly knitting together.
“Jenny, let’s go...” Francis said, supporting Feliciano.
“I can’t! The barrier won’t let me touch her! It’s like she’s in some sort of
magic coma...”Jenny said, her eyebrows furrowed in worry.
Feliciano looked at Francis who nodded and helped him walk over.
“Chero, we’re’a not going to’a hurt you. You’a have to let us’a help you...”
Feli said reaching through the barrier.
He met with a small amount of resistance at first, but soon got through. He
gently kissed Chero on the cheek and the glow turned a golden color.
Jenny hesitantly touched the glow, her hand passing through it. It was safe...
“Chero! You’ll never guess what happened to me!” Rachel said, sitting in McDonalds talking on the phone to her friend.
“What happened?”
“Alfred and I were just hanging out and this guy attacked us! Weird thing was
that he looked almost exactly like Alfred! Weird right? But the weirdest part
was that he just disappeared!”
Alfred reached across the table and stole the phone.
“ALFRED THAT IS MY PHONE!” Rachel cried, reaching across the table with grabby hands.
Alfred had a bandage around his head and a grin on his face, “Dude! She forgot to tell you how she single handedly kicked the guy’s ass! IT WAS SO AWESOME!”
Rachel blushed brightly.
Chero giggled, “I’m glad you are both alright. We had a little trouble here to-”
The phone crackled and another voice came onto the phone, “She’a won’t tell you, but I’a will. We’re’a currently in the hospital...”
“Feliiiii gimme my phone!”
“...Is everyone alright?” Alfred asked, worried.
“Dammit Feli! I asked if everyone was alright!”
“We’a are all okay, now...”
“HA! I got my phone back. I’m just here for a check up. I was fine before I got here, but Feli and Francis insisted that I get checked out. So, don’t you dare think about flying over here to check on me. You have a lot of work to do. Can I please talk to Rachel again?”
“...Fine...I’m glad you are alright...”
Rachel took ahold of her phone, “So, are you going to tell me what happened? You made him go all sulky. Now he’s sitting here with a puppy dog face eating his cheeseburger.”
“I will. Next girls night we have, okay?”
“I’m going to hold you to it!”
“I have to go. The nurse needs me.”
“Be safe!”
“Yeah yeah...”
Rachel hung up the phone and saw Alfred reading a text on his phone, his eyebrows pushed together in concern.
“Feliciano texted me the whole story...” he said, pushing his phone over to her.
“We’re going to England....aren’t we....” she sighed as she started to read the message.
“Hell yes we are!”
“I’ll contact my boss....”she groaned.
Chero looked at the bandage around her arm. Her magic had healed basically everything except for her two burn marks and some of the bruises. It had been three days since Luciano hurt her. She apparently had been in a coma for a day, so the hospital had to keep her there until they were sure she was alright She sighed and walked out of the hospital. She was alone. Feliciano had something else to do and everyone else was busy doing something as well. Jenny was helping Zoey get adjusted to this world with Francis’ help. Arthur was busy burning the mirror the 2Ps had come out of. So...she was going to head back to her hotel alone.
She took out the swipe key card from her purse and unlocked the door to her room.
Chero stared at disbelief at her friends. Standing there was Arthur, Jenny, Zoey, Francis, Feliciano....RACHEL AND ALFRED?
“....” Chero shut the door.
She braced herself and opened it back up. Alfred hurried over to her before she could shut the door again and picked her up.
“ALFRED F. JONES, PUT ME DOWN!” she cried.
“Ahahahaha!” he laughed as he carried her over to the rest of her friends.
He set her down in front of the cake they got her.
“Congrats for surviving a knife wielding psychopath!”
She laughed, “You all are nuts...”
yes...things were happy and normal again.
The End?