A few years went by and when Chero turned thirteen the poison was ready. She had spent countless hours working on it. It had to be perfect. She decided it had to activate when her father drank sake. It was her father’s drink of choice that he always drank after he left for work. No one would suspect her if he died after drinking sake.
Today was the day, the two year anniversary of Don’s death. It was the perfect day for her revenge. Chero prepared Todo’s oatmeal like she did every morning, only this time she slipped in a clear liquid.
She placed his bowl in front of him, as he read the paper. She left him to his breakfast, going to her room. She changed into a black dress, preparing herself for her trip to Don’s grave. She walked back down the stairs. Her father had finished the oatmeal. He stood up and left the room, heading for the door.
Chero cleaned the dishes like she did every morning. When she finished she put them away and headed for the flower shop. She bought white lilies, Don’s favorite and headed for his grave.
Chero walked past the care taker, giving a small wave. She placed the flowers in front of Don’s grave and sat in front of it. She closed her eyes, accidently drifting off to sleep.
A few minutes later she felt someone shaking her. She woke up and looked to see a masked ninja there.
“Are you Chero Aoyama?” he asked.
She nodded.
“Is something wrong?” she asked.
“Your father is in the hospital.”
She stood up suddenly.
“What’s wrong? What happened?!”
“He was poisoned.”
“What?! Who would do such a thing?! Why would someone want my father dead?!”
“ You’re father is a political figure, that’s the reason why. We’re not sure who yet, but we’ll find out.”
She forced up some tears, trying to look like a concerned daughter.
When she arrived at the hospital she was forced to wait in the waiting room. She sat waiting for the news about her father’s death.
“Chero! We came as soon as we heard.”
She turned to see Koichi and Michi entering the waiting room. Michi embraced her.
“Everything is going to be ok.” he said.
“Thank you.” she said.
A doctor then entered the room. He had a solemn look on his face.
“I’m so sorry. “He said, “The poison was unique, unlike anything we’ve ever encountered. He didn’t make it....”
Chero conjured up tear, forcing up a sob. Koichi and Michi wrapped their arms around her.
That evening was full of planning for Todo’s funeral. Chero wouldn’t have bothered that night if Koichi and Michi were not there. They promised not to leave her alone. She laughed at this in her head.
“What do they think will happen? Do they think I might be suicidal?” she thought.
There was a knock at the door. Michi answered it, letting in another masked ninja.
“I need to speak to Chero Aoyama.” she said.
“What’s happening? Did you find the sick person who killed my father?” she asked, her eyes pooling up with tears.
“I just need to ask a few questions.”
“Who prepared Todo’s breakfast this morning?”
“I did. I always do. Oatmeal was his favorite.”
“You don’t think I killed him do you?! He was my father! Why would I kill him?!” Chero demanded.
“Weird things have happened before, Miss. Aoyama. This is just speculation. I’m not accusing you of anything. I just wanted to know if it was possible for someone to have poisoned his breakfast.”
“I was watching it the whole time.”
Chero nodded.
“Now, where were you this morning after your father left?”
“I went to the flower shop and then to Don’s grave. Today’s the 2nd anniversary of his death. If you don’t believe me, then ask the flower shop and the grave yard caretaker.”
“We’ve already checked that out.”
“I think Chero’s had enough questions for tonight.” Michi said.
“Alright. We may have more questions so, don’t leave the village.” she warned.
That night when Chero was in her room she thought about everything that happened that day. She started to cry and shake.
“I killed a man! I killed him! I killed my father! I killed someone!” her mind screamed.
She started to sob and then she screamed.
Michi and Koichi came in her room to comfort her after she screamed. After she finally fell asleep they left the room to sleep on the couch.
The next morning Chero awoke to a knock on her front door. She heard one of the twins get up and answer the door. She heard a familiar voice.
“Koichi? Is Chero home? I need to speak with her.”
“She’s sleeping, Sensei, but I can wake her up.”
“Don’t bother. I’m awake.” Chero said rounding the corner wrapped up in a white robe. Her eyes had dark circles under them and were puffy and red.
“Morning Chero.” Etsuo Shiro said to his student.
“Morning Sensei. You wanted to speak to me?”
“Yeah, can we go somewhere private?”
She nodded and led him up to her room. She offered him the seat in front of her desk, which he accepted, sitting in it backwards. Chero sat on her bed.
“What do you want to talk about?” she asked hugging herself.
“Let me get straight to the point. You killed your father, Todo Aoyama.”
Chero stared blankly at him not comprehending what he said.
“You hated him for mistreating you and sending your brother away on the mission that killed him.”
“Yes. But that doesn’t mean I killed him.”
“I think is does. You see you were the only one who could have administered the poison.”
“I was no where near him when he died.”
“I know. You were at Don’s grave. That much is true, but the poison was not in the sake. It was in the oatmeal. Wasn’t it? It was alcohol activated
wasn’t it? Very creative. I commend you on you innovation.”
Chero was in shock, she couldn’t believe her sensei figured it all out. She stood up and stood by her window. She had to put plan two into action.
“You’re right. I killed Todo Aoyama.” she said smiling sadly.
Etsuo’s face clouded over. He couldn’t believe his student, his brightest student, turned out to be a murderer. He only agreed to do this to try and prove that Chero was innocent. Even though deep in his heart all along he knew Chero was guilty.
He spoke into the hidden mike in his collar.
“You got all that?”
Etsuo stood up and headed over to Chero.
“You need to turn yourself in Chero.”
“Sensei.....I’m sorry, but I can’t.”
Etsuo’s betrayal stung, but she was ready for this.
Chero yanked off her robe reveling her favorite light blue ninja outfit. She grabbed her backpack that was hidden by her window and stood in the window.
“Chero wait!” Etsuo cried.
“I’m sorry Etsuo Shiro-sensei..... This is goodbye.”
Chero tossed a smoke bomb at Etsuo and threw herself out the window. She then ran, escaping from the village she once called home.