"Love all. Trust few. Do wrong to no one. " -Shakespeare
As of late I've been having quite a few problems, of course I need not go into ever single detail of my troubled existence, now do I? No, I honestly don't, my goal is not to bore you to utter insanity, no, that has never been my intention. My intent has always been to inform, to give you all more knowledge than you once had before. Isn't that what listening to others is all about anyway? Seeing different perspectives on everyday, or not so ordinary things? Ah, indeed, I must believe so.
Despite the popular saying, or a better fit of a word would be, common saying, friends do come and go. Which at the moment is the hardship I'm facing, one of the many obstacles for me to overcome anyway. Most of the hectic uncalled for drama has faded for the moment, but I understand that it's just lurking around the corner from me right now, waiting to strike once more.
Friendships are fragile, fragile things. As is any relationship with any other human being. We are in a sense, so fragile ourselves, so why shouldn't any contact with someone exactly like us, in ways of emotions and our very mechanics. It is so difficult for me, to interact with another person. My emotions are always out of any sort of sequence anyway so I always carry the feeling around with me that I'm being replaced.
Sometimes we as humans can have some serious communication disaster with one another. We talk, and yet, do we ever really listen to what the other has to say? No, I'm afraid we really don't ever listen to what the other has to say. I'm guilty of this myself, and I do think that this is one of the many, ever changing reasons that friendships fail. If we take the time to look back on everything, the laughter, the tears, is anything, and I mean anything really more important than friendship?
We make sure people come and go, but by not listening to them, by ignoring their needs and what they want, we are in fact doing wrong to the few people we should trust, let alone love.
"We're friends, real friends. And that means, no matter how long it takes, when you finally do decide to look back, I’ll still be here." -Grey's Anatomy