chapter 3 christmas cookies

Chapter three: Christmas Cookies part 1

Inuyasha stirred in his sleep from beneath the warm blankets as a sunbeam crept through Kagome’s window to fall across his face. Reluctantly, Inuyasha opened his eyes and rubbed them slowly, trying to clear his head of the cobwebs from one of the first good nights of sleep he had had for months. In his own time, he always slept with one eye open, looking out for danger. His childhood had taught him that one must never let your guard down even in sleep. Therefore, when he was in his own time, his main concern was always to protect Kagome and the others from a sudden attack. But here in Kagome’s time, he never had to worry about things like that. Instead, he could just relax and sleep soundly. Unfortunately, his time spent in Kagome‘s house were few and far between. Sighing, Inuyasha snuggled down farther into the warm sleeping bag on the floor in no hurry to jump out of bed as he would have if they were in the past. Kagome’s soft and even breathing reassured him that she was still in a deep sleep and probably would not be waking anytime soon. There was no hurry for him to get up.

Still sleepy, Inuyasha let his thoughts wander from one thing to the next, enjoying the soothing feeling of the sun heating the blankets he lay under. Below him, his sensitive demon ears could make out the sounds of Kagome’s mother’s footsteps as she crept quietly around the house, careful not to wake the others. Inuyasha smiled. The sound of her light footsteps reminded him of long ago when he was a pup and would listen to the footsteps of his own mother as she scurried about outside his door in the morning. She reminds me a lot of her. The way she takes such good care of Kagome like there was nothing more important in the world then her children’s happiness. She’s patient like her too. Despite all the times I have hurt Kagome or dragged her daughter away on some unknown adventure for months at a time, she still puts up with me. Inuyasha sighed sadly as he rolled over to look at the closed door. He remembered the first day he had met Kagome’s mother. He had burst in on their dinner intent on dragging Kagome back into the past to help defeat a demon who turned out to be a comb used to brush the dead’s hair. He snickered at the thought of what he must have looked like as he rushed into the room. His hair silver and wild, his kimono torn, his demeanor far from polite as he attempted to drag her daughter back into a magical and dangerous well. Despite all the shock and confusion having a demon standing in her kitchen caused, Kagome’s mother’s first reaction was one of delight at his furry ears rather than fear and revulsion at his genetics. No sane mother would ever do that in his own time. But Kagome mother has done everything she can to make him feel welcome here. She even let Kagome invite me here for the holidays.

Thinking of this brought Inuyasha’s mind back to the strange enigma of Christmas this visit was introducing him to. Inuyasha closed his eyes. Flashes of the events last night flew through his mind. The decorations, the strange little furry tree, and that delicious hot light brown liquid Kagome‘s mother had given him. This whole Christmas holiday is so strange. I know people in Kagome‘s time are kind of backwards, but fluffy trees covered in bright little glass balls? Even that mangy wolf is not this screwed up. Not to mention that fluffy stuff I knocked down last night and the bright strings we threw at the tree. I still don’t know what’s up with that fat man. Strange as the whole custom was he had to admit so far Christmas was very fun. He snickered when he remembered the tinsel fight and how long it took him to get all those silver strands out of both him and Kagome’s hair. Absentmindedly he toyed with the idea of asking Kagome if he could take some of that shiny stuff home with them when they returned to the past. He would get a kick out of tossing the runt into a box of that stuff and watch Shippo try to fight his way out of there. Or maybe giving some to that child his brother always seems to be running around with. He could just imagine his brother’s face when a big streaming ball of silver collided with the top of his precious little head. Inuyasha chuckled.

Suddenly Inuyasha’s head shot up as he heard the sound of cupboards opening downstairs followed by the sound of raw bacon hitting a heated frying pan. In an instant Inuyasha was up and struggling to escape from the confining hold of the sleeping bag. In his rush to the delicious food downstairs one thought did cross Inuyasha’s mind. I wonder what the others are doing at the village.


“Pervert.” Sango cried out before her hand made a loud but satisfying smack on the monks face. Miroku’s head spun momentarily before he regained his bearings, glad that the strange stinging spray was out of reach. For the last few days his eyes seemed to be in a constant state of pain ever since Sango had pulled the metal can from the shiny wrapping paper. How could he help it if his hand was cursed? If this kept up he might end up blind by the end of the month

Removing his hand from its offending hold he raised it to rub the red hand shaped mark on his face. “Sorry Sango. You know that I have no control over such things. Perhaps if you would admit your feelings for me it would make it easier.” Miroku ducked skillfully just in time to avoid the clay bowl that flew by his shoulder inches from the side of his head. The bowl shattered on the frame of the hut. Sango shot him a pointed look before inching several feet away from him and turning back to the repairs she was making in her demon fighting suit. Beside her, Shippo was carefully completing a portrait of himself sitting on Kagome’s shoulder while Inuyasha climbing out of one of his famous custom creators.

Sighing, the boy examined his work before throwing it down angrily. The monk glanced up at him. “Shippo, what’s wrong?” he asked the young boy gently.

Shippo made a face and kicked the balled up picture. “Why did Kagome have to go away for the holidays? And why did she take Inuyasha instead of me. Inuyasha’s mean.” the young boy whined crossing his arms across his chest and pouting, a gesture that seemed picked up from the very person he was now complaining about.

Miroku frowned. “Now Shippo, Kagome needs to spend time with her family as well as here. You don’t want her to abandon her family for us do you? Besides, I thought you told Kagome that you did not want to come to her time for the holidays. ”

“But why does Inuyasha have to go to?” Shippo demanded. “He will only make her angry.”

“He will behave when he is with Kagome’s family. Kagome would not have invited him if she thought that he would ruin her holiday,” Sango replied. “Besides, I think Kagome just wanted to have a friend to do things with over Christmas seeing that she said that she had no studies to work on. She has not been home for a long period of time. Her friends might not forgive her immediately for not being home for so long. She might need someone there to talk to”

Shippo snorted, “Talking to Inuyasha would be like talking to a wall. A wall that could yell back. He will just say that she doesn’t need any friends. I would be much better to talk to.”

Sango sighed and opened her arms towards the child, “Shippo, come here.” The child went to sit on the girl’s lap. “Do you really want to know why I think that Kagome invited Inuyasha? I think she knew that it was Inuyasha who needed the experience the most.”

Shippo gave her a confused look. “What do you mean?”

“Well, what did Kagome say that Christmas was all about?” Sango asked the boy looking down at his confused face.

Shippo froze trying to recall what the young girl had said. He glanced down at the bell around his wrist. “Um, decorating and gifts?” the little boy guessed holding up bell bracelet and shaking it so it jingled merrily.

Sango laughed, “No, try again.”

Shippo bit his lip and tried really hard to remember exactly what the raven haired girl had said. “Oh yeah, it was about spending time with ones you loved, right?”

“That’s right Shippo. Now I know it might not show, but Kagome really likes Inuyasha. . . ”

Shippo rolled his eyes, “Yeah, I know THAT but Kagome loves me too and I am never mean to her so I would be a much better choice.”

“Yes, but you did not need it, Shippo.” Sango frowned Shippo was not often that selfish. How can I explain Kagome’s reasoning to someone so young?

Suddenly, the monk who had been sitting silently this whole time spoke up. “Shippo, we know that you are very young and this might be hard for you to understand, but Inuyasha needed the experience of this holiday much more then you did. Shippo, did you know that in many ways you are much stronger then Inuyasha.”

Shippo looked up in surprise. “Me?”

“Yes, you see, you have been very lucky in your life and as a result, you have ended up much stronger emotionally. When your father died Shippo how did you feel?”

Shippo eyes turned moody. “I was very sad. The thunder brothers killed him and I was too weak to stop them.” The young boy replied his small paws curling into fist.

“Yes, but then you found Inuyasha and Kagome and you were able to avenge your father and gain a new life right? How do you feel now?” Miroku questioned rubbing the young boys head in an attempt to take the stung out of his previous question.

Shippo smiled brightly, “I’m happy. Father is avenged and I got lots of new friends to take care of me. I even got a new foster mommy… well sort of.” the young boy blushed.

Miroku nodded. “See, even though you have suffered a great blow by his death you overcame it with a little help from us. You are still the same Shippo you use to be. Inuyasha was not so lucky. You see, when Inuyasha’s parents died there was no one around to help him get back to his old self. In fact, instead of having a new family there for him, Inuyasha was hunted every day of his life.” Miroku looked at the boy carefully and nodded when he saw that the child seemed to be considering what he was saying before continuing. “As a result, Inuyasha never really had the chance that you now have of growing up with a family. Being by his self for so long has hurt Inuyasha more then he lets us see. As a result, Inuyasha is extra defensive. You see that’s why he gets so angry all the time. He has got so use to being hurt that he expects it to happen again. Most of all Inuyasha is afraid.”

Shippo looked up surprised. “Afraid?”

Miroku nodded absentmindedly, his eyes seemed no longer focused on the child, but staring at the wall deep in thought. When he continued, his voice seemed no longer intent on explaining Inuyasha to the child, but focusing instead on figuring out his friend for himself. “Yes, it’s like your fear of thunderstorms Shippo. You are afraid of thunderstorms because of what happened to your dad. Even though you know the thunder brothers are gone, when you see the sky get dark and hear the thunder, you are afraid. Everyone that Inuyasha has ever loved has always ended up either leaving him or dying. His mother, his father, his brother, and Kikyo are all gone. So now Inuyasha keeps himself apart from everyone else in fear that he will either be hurt or cause someone else to get hurt because of him. He hopes that by pretending he does not care, he won’t get close to anyone else and no one else will be hurt because of him.”

Miroku’s eyes snapped back to the present and he smiled down at the young boy. “So you see Shippo, Inuyasha needed to be a part of this holiday more than anyone else here. Inuyasha has been alone for a long time. Since he had to fight so hard to stay alive, I think he lost a part of himself. He locked it up tightly in his mind where no one else could reach it. His anger and his pain are all a result of him trying to fight this hidden part of himself. But now he has Kagome to show him how to be himself again, to put that piece back out of the darkness and into the light. He’s fighting her. He is still very afraid to get close to her so he always fights with Kagome when she is here, but when she goes away he gets even more afraid. Afraid that she will leave him and he will be all alone again. Maybe spending some time with Kagome’s family will help Inuyasha be less afraid. Maybe someday he will be able to let go of all that fear and become Inuyasha again just like you became Shippo again despite your father‘s death. Maybe someday he will be able to let Kagome go back to her time whenever she wants and he won’t fight with either you or Kagome.” Miroku finished with a nod. “You just need to be patient and forgive Kagome for not bringing you too. Inuyasha needed this holiday and Kagome needed to help him let himself enjoy it. She just needed to focus on Inuyasha for awhile.”

Shippo nodded and leaped off of Sango’s lap. Without another complaint, he returned calmly to his art set. While he worked he thought about what Miroku had said. Even though he was young Shippo was able to understand losing loved ones and being afraid all too well. Could the only reason he fights with me really be that he is scared to care for me too? Shippo thought of all the times that Inuyasha has helped and protected him. A lot of the time the reason he pestered Inuyasha was because he looked up to the teen. Even though he would never admit it, he always considered Inuyasha to be sort of a foster father just like he considered Kagome to be his new mommy. Though he missed his father terribly, Shippo has never felt like he didn’t have a family. Was he really just afraid? Shippo realized that he was no longer mad at Kagome for bringing Inuyasha. In fact, he was glad that there might be a small chance that Inuyasha might be able to be happy again.

Suddenly an idea occurred to Shippo. Miroku said that Inuyasha needed to realize that it was ok to care for someone. That’s why Kagome took him home for the holidays. Maybe if I do the same thing maybe he will get better even faster and we can be a true family. Shippo frowned. How could I do that? If I try to be nice he will just get suspicious and end up hitting me again. Absentmindedly, he dipped his paintbrush into the red well of paint and began to fill in the flower he had painted. Then it hit him and he paused excited. Kagome said that her family gave out gifts for Christmas. She said it was to show how much they cared for each other. But how could that help me here. I have no money to get anything in the village. Glancing over at the new paint set he remembered something that he had found one day in Kagome’s bag. Smiling, he finished the flower and eagerly pulled another piece of paper from the dwindling tablet that Kagome given him to color on. He then poured himself some fresh water and set to work.


Inuyasha rushed down the steps and slid to a stop just before the threshold of the kitchen. Pausing he listened in the silence of the house to make sure he did not wake anyone. The soft shifting of Kagome’s mother’s footsteps and the sizzling bacon were the only sound that met his ears. Smiling he slid the door open.

“Morning Inuyasha,” Kagome’s mother said with a smile without turning from the frying pan.

Inuyasha looked up surprised. “How did you know it was me?”

“I know all my children’s footsteps. Besides, my children would not run down the stairs as if the house is on fire just for a few slices of bacon.” She said with a little laugh.

Inuyasha smirked bashfully, “Yeah sorry about that.”

“Well, sit down. It’s almost done anyway. You will have to wait for the rest though. I did not think that anyone would be up this early.” Kagome’s mother gestured to a chair at the table and Inuyasha sat down,

“Umm, do you need any help or anything?” Inuyasha asked studying the mounds of ingredients that completely engulfed one of the counters of the kitchen. What exactly is she making that takes all that?

“Oh no, I just have the eggs left to make, not a very big project even for six people.” Kagome’s mother stated reassuringly slightly touched by the boys offer. Never had him offer to help me before.

“Just eggs?” Inuyasha questioned looking at the mountain of ingredients.

“That is unless you want something else. “She said, raising an eyebrow. Kagome said that he has an appetite, but I was sure that bacon and eggs would be enough.

Inuyasha saw the look in Kagome’s mother was giving him and raised his hands up in a motion of peace. “No, that is plenty. I was just wondering what that stuff was for then.” He said motioning to the counter full of things. “Did you just go shopping?”

Kagome‘s mother’s gaze followed his hand and she laughed “Oh that. Those are for the Christmas cookies we will be making latter not for breakfast Inuyasha. You see it’s a family tradition that the kids help me make the cookies every year. Usually they are done and distributed by now but with Kagome being away so much, I’m a little behind on my holiday cooking.”

“You're going to use all that stuff just to bake a few batches of cookies?” Inuyasha asked with amazement, eyeing the pile doubtfully. He remembered the round tasty treats that Kagome sometimes brought with her. He never imagined that something that small could take all the items piled high on the counter.

“No, not just in one batch. We usually make much more than that. Close to eighty dozen. (A. N not as much as you think. My family usually ends up with close to one hundred dozen by the end of the holidays) The cookies are not just for us, Inuyasha. We make enough to give to the neighbors, some family friends, I send some to take to a few of Kagome and Souta teacher, and father gives some to his old friends and their families. Our family also take some to the Christmas party we go to every year. I am sure you would like to take some back home with you to share with the others as well. Anyway, it takes a whole day to bake all those cookies even with you kids helping me. That’s why I am going to ask Kagome if we could get them done today before you kids make plans for the rest of the holiday.”

“You mean I am going to help?” Inuyasha asked curiously as he watched Kagome’s mother slide some bacon off the frying pan and pat off the grease before placing the plate in front of him.

“Of course, I need all the help I can get. That is unless you rather not.” Kagome’s mother added smiling as she watched the young man dig into the bacon enthusiastically, polishing off the whole plate in record time.

After he finished, he shook his head, “I never baked cookies before, but I will help if I can.”

“Good,” Kagome’s mother replied fetching the plate and returning to stove. “Now, could you be a dear and go and wake Souta and Kagome. Tell them that if they want their breakfast hot they should come down now.”


Inuyasha suppressed a smile as he squeezed his way into Kagome’s room. Outside the young boy he had pulled out of bed just a few short moments ago continued down the hall, still chattering about a show on the funny little box in the living room. Apparently, it was about a boy that could see demons, but instead of being evil the demons were good. The boy helped them and could even control them just by saying their name. Inuyasha did not understand a word of what the boy was saying, but he still enjoyed watching the boy try to reenact bits and part of the shows. He really is a lot like Shippo isn’t he. Very loud with lots of uncontrolled energy. Shutting the door, Inuyasha turned to wake Kagome as well only to realize that Kagome was no longer in bed. For a moment, Inuyasha felt a surge of panic go through him and he ran to the side of the bed. Burying his nose in the sheets, he tried to discern any foreign smell akin to the smell of a demon that might give him a clue to what happened to the young girl. The only thing he could smell was the flowery smell of Kagome’s scent. Suddenly, he noticed there was a strange new sound ringing through the room. Listening carefully, Inuyasha realized it was the sound of running water. It was coming from Kagome’s bathroom. She must be taking a shower. Inuyasha decided. For a moment, he considered shouting through the door and going back downstairs to finish breakfast but decided against it. That would probably get me sat. Instead, he sat down on the floor beside the bed to wait for the young women to emerge.

After a while of waiting, Inuyasha’s short attention span kicked in and he began to get impatient. Man, how long is she going to be in there? He tried to remember how long she usually took in the hot springs and he growled. Inuyasha could smell the eggs cooking downstairs and his stomach growled despite the plate of bacon he had devoured earlier. Inuyasha sighed again and began to scan the familiar room, looking for something occupy himself with while the young girl finished her shower. Nothing on the walls or on the desk caught his attention long enough to cure his boredom. Just the usual pictures and posters that were here the last time he had been in her room. Absentmindedly, he began pulling on the bedspread just for something to do. After the third or fourth tug, Inuyasha’s claws suddenly sunk into the hem of the bedspread. Inuyasha flinched at the sound of the fabric giving away. Reflexively he braced himself, glancing at the door expecting a dripping Kagome to be standing there ready to sit him. The doorway was empty. Quickly, the hanyou shoved the torn fabric under the mattress, hiding it. When he did so, something underneath the bed caught his eye. Curious, he grabbed the metal corner of the deep red book and pulled it out from under the bed. The book was wide, heavy, and extremely thick. Its corners were tipped with metal and across the cover was some strange gold lettering.

Never saw this thing before. Inuyasha thought as he stared at the book for a moment before absentmindedly flipping it open. To his surprise the book was not filled with the strange symbols like the textbook things that Kagome’s room was usually filled with. Instead this book was filled with photographs. Inuyasha smirked as he studied the first page. A photo of a five year old Kagome smiling at the camera with two missing teeth looked back at him. The young child was clutching a small kitten with a ribbon around its neck close to her chest. Beside that picture, another picture showed a crying seven year old Kagome sitting in a mud puddle beside a young mud-covered Souta who was busy tugging on her hair. Inuyasha chuckled. The angry child’s firsts were balled up and she was wearing the same expression Kagome usually wore before she sat him.

For the next half hour, Inuyasha sat enthralled as he studied page after page of old memories. School photos, plays, and other holidays all were documented in this little book. He found the ones that showed the family when they were much younger the most interesting. He studied pictures of Kagome’s grandfather from when he was younger holding his new born granddaughter, a hilarious picture of the old man sleeping in an easy chair covered with lipstick, eye shadow, and a variety of other items while guilty looking Kagome stood nearby, and a picture of the old man kneeling by the sacred tree that could have been taken only a few days ago. They look so different. They looked content, happy, and normal. I never thought of her family like that. The photo album contained family pictures taken in front of the shrine, birthday pictures, and pictures of them standing by an ocean that looks like they were taken on vacation years earlier. Suddenly Inuyasha realized just how much he did not know about Kagome’s past. Looking at the pictures made him wonder. What other things did she do before she fell through the well?

“What you looking at Inuyasha?” Inuyasha jumped when he heard Kagome’s voice ring out just over his shoulder. He had been so absorbed in the album that he did not even hear the shower turn off. Reflexively, he quickly shut the cover and shoved the book back under the bed before he could be sat for nosing around her room. Kagome reached out to stop him but the item had already disappeared. “It’s ok. What was that?”

Inuyasha blushed. “Nothing, I got bored. You were taking way to long in there,” Inuyasha said defensively.

Kagome frowned irritated. “I was only there for a half an hour. Why didn’t you go down stairs if you were so bored?”

Inuyasha suddenly remembered the breakfast waiting downstairs. “Oh yeah, I was suppose to tell you to come downstairs. Your mom has breakfast waiting. Come on.” the young boy headed for the door.

Kagome shook her head as she watched him disappeared around the corner. Nothing stops him when it comes to food does it. Sitting down on her bed, Kagome began to run a brush through her hair. Well, I guess that I should be flattered that he was patient enough to wait for me this long. She would have sat him for that remark about her taking so long but he looked so guilty about whatever he was looking at she was. What was he looking at anyway that had him so jumpy? Kagome remembered that he shoved it under the bed. Bending over the side of the bed she reached for the hem of the bed spread.

“Kagome, are you coming down?” a voice from downstairs called out.

Kagome sighed and went to the doorway “Yes mom, I’m coming.” glancing back at the bed she paused. Returning to the bed, she quickly threw back the bed spread and squinted in the darkness. Seeing a glimpse of metal she reached in and yanked the object over. Glancing at the cover, she smiled silently before pushing the album back under the bed. Running her brush through her hair a few more time she grabbed a hair band before skipping down the stairs.


“There you are Kagome,” Her mother commented as Kagome came into the kitchen. The rest of her family was already sitting around the table, plates of food sitting in the center. Inuyasha was sitting at the end busy devouring what looked like a slice of omelet but was so smothered in melted cheese and ketchup that she couldn’t be completely sure. Sitting down beside the hanyou, she began to fill her own plate.

“Sorry Mom, I wanted to get a shower while Inuyasha was occupied since he has such a short attention span.” Kagome apologized, ignoring the glance the hanyou shot her. “I did not know what we were doing today so I was not sure that I would have time to do it latter.”

“Yes, about that Kagome. I was hoping that maybe we could bake the cookies today. You kids will probably have plans for the rest of the holiday and Christmas will be here before you know it. Are you still going to help with them this year Kagome?”

“Of course,” Kagome said with a smile. “We do it every year. “

“Good.” They ate the rest of their breakfast in silence. When they finished, Kagome helped her mother clear off the table while Kagome’s mother sent Inuyasha and Souta down into the basement to dig out the cook cutters and other various cooking utensils they would need. Kagome’s grandfather disappeared outside presumably in the direction of the shrine. Kagome filled up the sink while her mother pulled out her cooking book and went over to the big pile to sort through the mountain of ingredients stacked up in on the counter.

As she waited for the sink to fill, Kagome found her thoughts wondering back to Inuyasha and the events of the night before. The hanyou seemed to be enjoying himself. The half-demon reminded her of when she was still small enough to be enchanted by the holidays. He showed a lot of curiosity and wonder towards the decorations and seemed to have a lot of fun putting up the Christmas tree. Kagome smiled as she recalled how proud he was of himself when he put his first ornament on the tree. But after the tree was done that childish wonder seemed to fade and the boy had fell silent causing the young women to become slightly uneasy. Kagome was not use to the hanyou being silent. Usually he was either complaining or barking commands. The only time she had seen him completely quiet were times when he was upset for some reason. He seemed sort of sad. But somehow I doubt it was because the tree was finished. Maybe he is not having as much fun as I thought.

“Kagome, you’re going to overflow the sink.” her mother suddenly spoke up. Kagome gasped and quickly jumped to turn off the water before the soapy water spilt onto the floor. “Is something wrong, Kagome?” Kagome’s mother asked giving her daughter a worried glance.

Kagome blushed staring down at the soapy water before sighing. “Hey mom, do you think that Inuyasha is enjoying himself here.”

Kagome’s mother gave her daughter a strange look, “As far as I can tell he seems to be having a great time. Why? Did he say something?”

Kagome bit her lip and began scrubbing a plate absentmindedly, “No, he didn’t say anything, but last night he was kind of quiet and I swear that for a moment he looked sort of upset, like he was suddenly sad for some reason. I was worried maybe he wasn’t enjoying himself.”

Kagome’s mother paused, putting down her cookbook for a moment. “Yes, come to think of it I did notice that look when we were decorating the tree, poor dear.”

“What do you think he was thinking about?” Kagome asked as she stacked a cup into the dish drainer.

“Hard to tell with that boy,” Her mother mused. “I have seen him flinch and run away at the sight of curry and yet you tell me stories of him fighting monsters the size of mountains. If his emotional reactions are as bizarre, then it could be anything.”

Kagome smiled. Yes, that’s Inuyasha all right. “What should I do? I want him to enjoy himself.”

Kagome’s mother considered the question for a moment and then sighed. “Well, if something is bothering him the best, thing you could do is to be patient. He will talk to you eventually.”

Kagome snorted as she pulled the drain, “Yeah right, even if something was bothering him he would never admit it. He’s as stubborn as a bull.”

“I am not,” A voice from behind them protested.

Kagome jumped and blushed. She turned to see Inuyasha standing in the doorway with three large boxes in his hand. How long has he been standing there? The annoyed look on his face was still slightly amusing, “Are too.” she responded with a smirk. Turning back to the sink she smiled. Must not have been too long. Looks like he is just pouting not being defensive.

“Just set them down right there, Inuyasha.” Kagome’s mother chimed in successfully distracting the hanyou from getting saying something that had the potential to get him sat.

Inuyasha carefully set the boxes down in the corner. Souta followed behind him setting another box beside the other three.

Instantly, Inuyasha sensed the mood of the room change, distracting him from Kagome‘s earlier comment. He could not pinpoint what it was but something told him that something big was about to occurred. Kagome and Souta became quiet and very still as if they were waiting for something. Kagome’s mother walked over to examine the three boxes before nodding in approval. Walking back over to the counter she made one more quick look through the mound there. “Ok, we got everything we need so let get started.”

The minute those words left her mouth, both Souta and Kagome began to move. Kagome hurried over to stand beside Souta and together they threw open the boxes and started to pull cooking utensils out of them, leaving Inuyasha both confused and stunned. Quickly, he jumped out of the way as the two threatened to bowl him over. With amazing speed and accuracy, they darted around the kitchen with armfuls of cookie cutters and mixing equipment. They neither paused nor looked up from their task as they moved with a kind of poetic fluidity, coming within inches of one another several times but never running into one another. Wow, it’s like they are some kind of well trained cooking army. Inuyasha thought, his eyes wide.

“Inuyasha!” Kagome’s mother suddenly called. Inuyasha jumped, surprised at the amount of commanding authority that rung out in her voice. He found himself standing on edge like a soldier at attention just by the sound of it. “Get the eggs out of the refrigerator and bring them here.”

Inuyasha stared at her blankly for a moment before the command seemed to sink in. Before he could move to obey Souta was suddenly standing beside him with the three dozen eggs stacked in his hand. Kagome’s mother made no comment as she took the eggs from her son and went back to studying the cookbook. Inuyasha turned to ask Souta what he should do now only to realize that the boy was already across the room digging through the last box. What in the world. Inuyasha stared at him, shocked. I never even heard him move.

“Ok, ready mom.” Kagome suddenly said directly behind Inuyasha. The boy almost jumped out of his skin. Glancing behind him he realized that both Kagome and Souta had appeared right behind him. What the. . .

“Ready,” Souta echoed at Kagome’s side. Their mother nodded in acknowledgment, not looking up from what she was doing. In front of her, the mountain of ingredients had been shoved roughly to one side replaced by a series of large bowls. Kagome’s mother was busy placing different items in each of the bowls. Kagome and Souta remained standing completely still behind him.

Inuyasha leaned cautiously towards Souta. “Um, what are we doing?” Inuyasha whispered, eyeing the women carefully.

“We are waiting for instructions,” Souta replied in a whisper. Inuyasha gave him a strange look, Instructions?

Before he could ask Kagome’s mother turned. “Ok, we will split the work up so the dough will get done faster. Souta you are in charge of sugar cookies time three.” Kagome’s mother instructed handing her son one of the big bowls. “Kagome, you and Inuyasha work on the walnut balls times three. I will start the thumbprint dough.”

Inuyasha almost dropped the bowl when it was shoved gently into his arms. Before he could recover, Kagome was tugging him away from the counter and across the room.

“Come on Inuyasha, over here. “ Kagome commanded impatiently as she all but dragged the young half-demon across the kitchen floor.

“I’m coming,” Inuyasha protested, clinging to the bowl like it was a life preserver.

Kagome finally stopped at the other side of the kitchen and turned to the hanyou. “Here, hand me the bowl.” Kagome instructed holding her hands out to take it from him. The young boy stared at her like she had grown another head. When the boy neglected to obey her order, Kagome turned to give him an annoyed look, but stopped when she saw his expression. The boy was staring at her, his eyes as big as saucers and his body tense like he was prepared to run. Oh my gosh, he looks like he’s waiting for me to attack him. I think we are actually scaring him. Kagome giggled at the thought. “Come on we got to get started.” she added more gently, holding out her hand like she would if she was trying to coax a frighten animal out from under the furniture.

Inuyasha reluctantly handed her the bowl, “Get started with what?” he asked approaching the counter cautiously.

“With the cookie dough. Here hold this while I read the recipe.” Kagome said digging through the bowl before holding the item out.

“Where did you get that?” Inuyasha asked in surprise, looking down at the small measuring cup.

“Mom, gave it to me when she gave you the bowl, now hold this.” Kagome thrust the cup out toward him. Inuyasha accepted the small cup without comment and watched as Kagome leaned over to study the recipe written on the small sheet of paper. Glancing over to his left, he saw Souta bent over a similar piece of paper. The boy examined the paper before the young boy dashed over to the sink holding a cup similar to the one Inuyasha was holding. “Inuyasha, are you listening to me?”

Inuyasha blushed guiltily and turned his attention back to Kagome. Kagome smiled patiently at the youth before holding out the can of shortening again. “I said fill up that cup with this and put it into the bowl. I have to get the vanilla from mom.” she repeated putting the can down in front of the boy before skipping away.

Inuyasha looked down at the white substance in the can and then over to the recipe sitting on the counter. He never was much of a cook. All his experience was restricted to wood fires and wild game. As if adding to the awkwardness of the situation the hectic atmosphere of the kitchen was making him nervous. Glancing over to Kagome, he saw her talking with her mother across the room. The older women glanced over at him and smiled gently. Inuyasha gave her a slightly unsure smiled in return. Turning back around, he focused on the task given to him. Carefully, he dipped the measuring cup into the can and scooped out a big cupful of shortening. Looking at the cup for a moment, he glanced over at Souta and saw that the boy was grinning at him. Souta picked up his empty measuring cup and ran the rim of it over the tip of the bowl giving the hanyou a pointed look. Inuyasha stared at him for a moment before he realized what the boy was trying to tell him. Picking up the overfilled cup, Inuyasha scrapped the rim of the cup against the shortening can, leveling it off. He glanced at Souta and the boy smiled at him, nodding. Inuyasha smiled proudly. Turning back to the counter, Inuyasha looked at the substance in the cup with curiosity. What is that stuff anyway? Inuyasha grabbed the can and examined the outside before bringing it to his nose. This stuff doesn’t have much of a smell to it. Wonder what it tastes like. Glancing at the others to make sure no one was paying attention to him, he dipped his finger in the can. Examine the shortening for a moment, he stuck his finger in his mouth. He gagged and turned away. Behind him he heard a giggle.

“Kagome, this stuff has no taste.” He complained, frowning in disgust at the measuring cup. “Why would anyone want to eat it?”

Kagome giggled again as she held out a spatula. “You're not supposed to eat it plain, Inuyasha. You can put that in the bowl. I’ll measure out the vanilla extract.”

Inuyasha took it from her and carefully scooped out the shortening. As he did, he picked up the smell of something particularly sweet and slightly familiar. Glancing over at Kagome, he watched as she poured a brownish liquid out of a small bottle and into a set of tiny spoons. “Kagome that smells really good, what is it?”

Kagome looked up, surprised. “Its vanilla extract. It gives the cookie its flavor.”

Why does she get to measure out all the good stuff, Inuyasha thought absentmindedly. For a moment, the boy seemed to be debating with himself whether or not to say something. Finally, curiosity won. “Can I taste it?” Inuyasha asked innocently as he watched her put another spoonful in.

Kagome bit her lip, trying to ignore the puppy dog face she was receiving, “I don’t know. Vanilla extract can make you drunk if you drink too much of it.”

“A spoonful won’t hurt him, Kagome.” Kagome’s mom stated from across the room. She gave Inuyasha a smile before turning back to her own bowl. Kagome glanced her direction and nodded. Filling up a teaspoon, she handed it to the hanyou who eagerly stuck it into his mouth. Kagome watched his face, trying to discern whether he liked it or not. Finally, the hanyou pulled the spoon from his mouth and handed it back to her.

“It tastes familiar.” Inuyasha said quietly as he studied the bottle. It’s really good though.”

Kagome laughed, “I’m glad you like it. You’re not going to taste all the ingredients are you?” She kidded in a gentle voice. Inuyasha blushed. Trying to cover up his embarrassment, the young boy leaned over Kagome shoulder. “What we suppose to do next?”

Kagome glanced back over the recipe. “Well, next we need to add two of these spoonfuls of honey and then blend all the stuff in the bowl.” Kagome held out the bottle and the little spoon. “Do you want to do it?”

Inuyasha nodded holding his hands out with almost a childlike eagerness. Kagome handed the items over. As Inuyasha carefully measured out the proper amounts, Kagome busied herself with setting up the mixers. Glancing over at the boy, Kagome had to laugh. The boy froze the bottle of honey still suspended over his mouth. Kagome smiled and shook her head at him. He shyly lowered the bottle and handed it back to her looking slightly guilty. “Um, That enough?” he asked innocently as he held out the spoon.

Kagome nodded. Giving him a mischievous smirk, she took the spoonful from him and popped in into her mouth. “Yeah that’s perfect.”

“Hey,” The young boy protested and attempted to snatch the bottle back from her. Kagome giggled and danced away from him. “You yelled at me for doing that.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t also have a teaspoon of vanilla and a dollop of shortening.” Kagome said easily dogging the hanyou’s careful grabs. Souta glanced at the pair and rolled his eyes. Won’t they ever learn to act their age.

Inuyasha made another lunge for the bottle causing Kagome to take a step backward knocking into her mother. Both teens froze as the women turned and favored them with a slightly amused look, holding her hand out silently. Kagome sighed and handed her mother the bottle and the teaspoon. The women shook her head at them. “Do I have to separate you two?” After nodding in satisfaction at the crimson color that graced both youth’s cheeks. She carefully filled the teaspoon again and handed it to Inuyasha. She kept the bottle.

The two youths scurried back to their place on the other side of the kitchen.

Inuyasha poured the honey in with the other ingredients and peering into the bowl. “Ok, now what?”

“Now we mix it all together using this.” Kagome said, placing her hand on the mixer.

Inuyasha looked at the twisted metal contraption. “Um, ok?”

“It's easy. I’ll show you.” grabbing his hands Kagome lead it over to the controls. “See you just hit this button and move the whisks around in the bowl and it mixes it for you. Ready?” Inuyasha nodded, trying to ignore the flush that was coming to his face. He focused on the hand that Kagome still had over his. Kagome flipped the switch and Inuyasha jumped as a loud whirling sound filled the room. Kagome tightened her hand in an attempt to comfort the boy. After he seemed to adjust to the sound, she began to guide him in pulling the mixer back and forth over the bowl. “See?”

Inuyasha nodded, concentrating on what he was doing. After a few minutes of blending, Kagome flicked the switch to turn it off and the teens added another round of ingredients, none of which interested Inuyasha enough for him to stick in his mouth. After this was done, Kagome handed Inuyasha the mixer. Inuyasha just looked at her.

“Well go ahead.” she said with a smile.

Inuyasha flicked the switch and the whisks came to life. Carefully, Inuyasha began to mix the dough. Kagome smiled as she studied his absorbed expression. He really does put everything he’s got into every new experience. Kagome found herself again thinking of a child new to the world. He looks almost innocent when he does things like that. But, I guess he never got to do any of these things when he was younger. His mother was killed when he was so young. After that he was all alone, his childhood stolen. Before Kagome could even feel the least bit sorry for Inuyasha she was suddenly hit with a very sticky substance. Glancing over at Inuyasha, she froze for a moment. The young boy gave her a frightened look as he struggled to force the mixer away from the side of the bowl he tried to hold a teetering bowl against the side of the counter. Meanwhile, the mixer kept spinning throwing dough. Kagome lunged for the plug. The mixer stuttered to a stop. Behind her she heard the tittering laughter of her mother, Souta, and, surprisingly, her grandfather. Once the mixer stopped, Inuyasha quickly righted the bowl and placed it on the counter, his cheeks burning.

Seeing his face, Kagome could not help but join her family in their laughter. “How did you manage. . .?”

“Shut up,” the boy interrupted blushing fiercely. Kagome glanced into the bowl. Luckily, most of the dough had survived the incident.

Kagome gave him a mischievous look, “I think it’s mixed.”

The boy growled as the families laughter started up once again. Kagome patted Inuyasha’s head which only served to annoy the boy even farther. Grabbing the bowl she took it over the fridge passing her still giggling family.

Kagome’s mother shook her head, her eyes dancing with amusement. “I think that that will due for now. We need to let the dough chill for awhile anyway. Why don’t you kids run along and have fun for a while. But be back here by noon. We still have lots to do.” Kagome’s mother instructed as she gently pushed the two children through the door.

Kagome sighed and turned to face the hanyou who was still fuming from their laughter. “Um, what do you want to do now, Inuyasha?”

Inuyasha just gave her a pouting look and turned away. The girl sighed again. What can we do for the next hour? Absentmindedly, the girl began to twirl a strand of doughy hair and glanced out the window. The view was stunning. The fresh snow from the previous night lay glittering on the ground and icicles sparkled like diamonds in the sun. She smiled as she turned to the young boy. “Do you want to go for a walk?” without waiting for the response the young girl grabbed the boys hand and pulled him towards the closet to fetch their coats before they stepped out into the snow.
