If i could be that little girl agian...
If i could be that teenager....
If i could be that women....
I am none of these, for i am a nobody, and as my duty i am crossed apon sacrafice and guilt, hatred and revenge, and love or soul mate. For you see, i am just a vampire.Who doesnt wish much.But comes across souls who are in need for love.Im not a match maker but i was granted the gift of watching over those who do match loves together.I am a victim of love.Do you see the boy over there?The tall one with black hair,pale skin,and blue eyes.That is, or was, my match.But that was before my death. For now i am just a memory. You probably are wondering why i am here, or what is the point? But you shall read and see my story, for i have just became, apart of your memory...........
My story-Prologue