Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget the people who have passed away and survived the Holocaust...People may not know this but...i am Jewish. I like being Jewish and i feel...disgusted with the fact that the people in Germany who didnt like us had to do that to us. Look at me now. Im 14 and my Grandparents and Great parents suffered...Why?All for what?Because somebody didnt stop the hate when it started?I feel...betrayed that people(Especially here is the US)didnt help sooner when they new what was going on...I have a new inspiration i suppose..Anne Frank opened my eyes i guess...I realize now that thinking about today instead of worrying about tomorrow would be a great start.I plan on making an inspiration one day i hope. I hope no to be famous but to impact the world..Although it may never happen i wish that people will get the picture that even something simple as talking to a new kid at school shows effort...If people(Even the Nazi's)would have given us a chance...Maybe we wouldnt have to mourn for millions of deaths and 2/3 of the Jewish population disintergrated...I really.....I just hope that even realizes how lucky they are....I know i am.
