Welcome to my site. My names Miranda, but you can call me Fluffball! I’m pretty random and I’m easy to get along with. So on your way out add me as a friend and sign my Guest Book! You can pm me to if you want to talk!

My recent boyfriend!! :P
Sweets, I’m a choco-atic.
Any of my friends,
You if you want me to!
Laughing a having fun!!
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I'm a girl, and my birthday is June 2, 1993
I’ve been a member of My Otaku since 8/12/2006, and a member of TheOtaku since it has started
I'm still in school, and I can drive!!!

So yeah, that’s stuff about me!! And to all the people who took the time to read this, then thank you!
The Girl Full Of Fluff,
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Alright, about that last post, yeah I DID NOT post that!! I dont know who did!!! But I sure didnt, it surprised me when I got the post responses and I was like, I havnt posted in months! I'm soooooooo confused!! and freaking out cause I never gave anyone my password...as far as I know 0_o'
so yeah, didnt mean anything in the last post, I dont know where it came from


well, its about 11:22pm and i am sleepy, but I'm talking to my bf so I'm gonna try to stay awake :)
I my life is getting so much better! My friends seem to be cooling down a my bff Nightmare-Neko and I are ok again and I am soooo happy! I love her and I would miss her if I lost her. Yeah so tomorrow I plan to go home with 3 of my friends and hang out at one of the guy's house. It was so funny because I did that today and then one of the guys parents came home early so we tried to run out the back, and when Trever, one of the guys I was with, tried to open the door the door knob came off in his hands and we were locked in and we eneded up getting in alot of trouble anyway and the only thing trever could say was "I have to stop working out" it was sooooooooooo funny! XDDDD I laughed so hard!!!
Yeah so I'm really tired so I'm gonna be done for tonight cause I need to be able to process tomorrow so I can hang out with all three of them tomorrow night, so yeah I luv you all!
The girl full of fluff,


Sorry you guys who I really insulted in my last post, I was just really upset and emo, I do love you all, and I know that you all are looking out for me, I love you all and I'm so happy you're my friends!!!

I cant take life anymore

My life has been really bad right now. I've lost my dad, half my friends, my dignity, and my world just seems to be crashing down around me, and I really am not sure who to tell, so I thought I would just post since most dont come onto my site anymore.

First, my dad is going to jail. Why, I'm not sure I should say on here, but just the fact that I'm loosing him, is going to screw up my whole home life. My mom and dad are divorced, they have been divorced for almost, IDK 6 or 7 years now I think, and my mom has a crappy job and has been living off my dad's child support. Well guess what, my dad goes to jail, no job for him, no child support, guess what, he lost his job. Did you see that one coming? That means that my mom can’t afford our house, food, anything. We cant even move into a little house because the economy is so bad right now, our house wouldn’t even sell.

I need my friends so bad right now, to help me hold my life together, guess what. I broke up with my boyfriend that I have been dating for a year and a month, because, I just need a break from him. alright, I'm a bitch, a whore, I dont know what else my friends/people in general are calling it, and now I have a new boy friend who is the exact opposite of what my last boyfriend was, which, in my eyes, is that exact thing I need right now. My "friends" dont like him so they ignore me and hate me and glare and call me names, I can take that, I've been taking that all my life, but it still hurts. My friend Zach says that they are just looking out for me, but is ignoring my existence going to do that? I dont know if I'm acting like a baby or am right, but if my so called friends do this to me, then maybe they weren’t my friends at all to begin with.

I'm falling into the trench I keep digging and its getting darker and darker, I may have to move out of state and leave the true friends that I still have. My mom caught me cutting myself again and is going to try to get me a councilor, I'm glad she caught me before I did something worse. I dint see cutting myself as that bad, its like a release form the real world, its like my high because I don’t do drugs. I dont know what else to do with my life. I keep having nightmares and crying every time I open my eyes. I feel like my heart is breaking in places I already had thought broken, but now I'm not sure. I'm confused, and hurting, and it feels like there is no one left here to help me make it stop.

Guess What!!!

Today I got tight pants!!! oh, and a hair cut!!