Are you Oblivious? Volume One

I get there first thing in the morning and open up Taikineko’s locker. “Hmm, it’s empty. He must not be here yet. Yep, he’s just not here.” After first period I go back and take a second look, but still nothing. “Is he sick or something?”
I head right home after school and start to search through the cabinets. “Noodles, noodles. Hmm, there they are.” I quickly fix up some of my mom’s patient pending chicken noodle soup for Taikineko. It’s around 3:30 when I arrive at his door. I don’t bother knocking; I know one of the worst things when you’re sick is knocking, so I go right in. “Taikineko, I brought you some soup. Do you feel better?” why am I yelling when he most likely has a headache.
“Kitsunimi, is that you?”
“Yeah, I brought you some of my mom’s chicken noodle soup. It always makes me feel better.”
“Can it heal a broken heart?” His voice is nasal and distant.
“I’ve never had a broken heart, but it’s good for colds.”
“Kit, I don’t want to talk to you.”
“What?!?” I cry.
“Yesterday’s still stuck in my mind. You agreed to help a pure demon without checking with me.”
“I know Hideaki’s a good boy. He’s just lost without his mother.”
“If you’re focused on helping him, you give me less attention.”
“So the reason you don’t like me anymore is because you’re jealous of an twelve year old dog demon.”
“I never said anything about not liking you. I still do. I’m just so mad.”
“Please just stop by my house tonight so we can talk. I’ll leave this here.” I walk out the door and back home.
It’s getting close to seven and I’m getting worried; then the door bell rings. “I’ll get it.” I open the door and see Taikineko. “Oh am I glad to see you. Come in,” I whisper.
“Sure, but why are we whispering?”
“Shh. Sorry sir, we have all the vacuums we need.” I slam the door.
“Who was that?”
“Just some sale’s man. I’m going up to do my homework.”
We sneak upstairs and into my room. “Hideaki, can you tell us all you know about your mama’s kidnapping?”
“If she was even taken.” I elbow Taikineko.
“Um, I’ll try. About a week ago my mama and I went to sleep in our den under a tree in the woods. We went to sleep when the sun went away and she was gone when it came back. All there was is this note.”
“What does it say?”
“I can’t read.”
I grab it from his hand and start to read it. “‘If you ever want to see your mommy again, bring the map to the Nephrite Shrine and the key to your den.’ ”
“So we’re supposed to risk our lives for a deprived dog demon.”
“He’s a sweet innocent child, human or not, and I want to help him. You know you want to do the same thing.”
“He’s a dog.”
“He’s a motherless child.”
“I lost my mother by that same age and I’m fine.”
“If that’s what you call it. Wait, you lost your mother before you were twelve and you’re arguing with me.”
“It would seem like it.”
I look over to see Hideaki crying. “Huh? What’s wrong?”
“I lost my dad when I was three; she’s the only family I got.”
“Did you hear that Taikineko, he has no one else; we nee to help him. Without us, he’d die.”
“I’ll help.” I could barely hear him, but I did. I jump into his arms and kiss him out of excitement. He sets me down and turns away in one swift motion. “I think I should go now.”
“Um, yeah. It’s only for the best. Hideaki, can you make sure he gets out okay?” they walk out of the room; then I flop down onto my bed and scream into my sweaty palms. I stand up and go to the window; there’s Taikineko walking down the sidewalk. I let out a low sigh.
“You really love him, don’t you?”
I turn to see a strangely dressed, yet attractive man standing in my doorway. “Who are you and why are you in my room?”