Fan character bios: Lime and Bonnie 13.0

Here are the bios for two of my fan characters. I'm going to be writing a fanfiction (yep... another one AND continuing The New Arrival!) with these two about... well, read their backstories. This new fanfiction will probably be called Generation 13 or something of the sort. I'll add pictures and post bios for the rest of my fan characters soon!

Name: Lime
Gender: Female
Species: Animatronic lop-eared rabbit
Fur Color: A pale yet bright green
Eye color: Pink
Personality: Kind, cheerful, sweet, sort of like an older sister figure to lots of other characters (even if she's younger than them)
Relationships with my other FNaF fan characters: Catrina: Friend (Lime sort of thinks of her as an adorable sister) ~ Anomaly: Friend ~ Choco: Friend ~ Toy Catrina (a.k.a. Cat): Frenemy/Friendly Rival (they just don't get along too well) ~ Toy Anomaly: Would be friends, but Lime doesn't know Toy Anomaly that well ~ Toy Choco: Friend ~ Bonnie 13.0: She's his sister (Well, they're as close as animatronics can be to siblings... XD)
Backstory: Lime and Bonnie 13.0 are from the future, but due to a crazy series of events started by Bonnie 13.0 accidentally ripping a poster with Golden Freddy's face on it and Lime attempting (but failing) to repair it, the two traveled back to the current timeline of the FNaF games.
Other: Unlike her brother, Lime is the first version of herself to be created. If she did have a past version, they would probably get along quite well. Lime also plays a neon green-and-yellow bass guitar. She and her brother were programmed to keep the security guards safe from the more murderous animatronics, and they usually succeed. However, once in a while, they malfunction and become even more vicious than all of the other animatronics combined.
Quote of hers that sums up her personality (kind of): "You guys are so cute!"
Creator's Note: HER DRESS IS SO POOFY. XD XD XD No, seriously, it is. XD

Name: Bonnie 13.0 (his full name is Bonnie the Thirteenth, but he hates when anyone calls him that)
Gender: Male
Species: Animatronic rabbit
Fur Color: Neon blue
Eye color: Turquoise
Personality: Antisocial, intelligent, quiet, sarcastic
Relationships with my other FNaF FCs: Catrina: Catrina thinks they're "besties" (of course... she's Catrina, after all! :P), but Bonnie 13.0 thinks she's the most annoying animatronic that ever existed - Anomaly: Friend - Choco: Kind of a friend, but Choco annoys Bonnie 13.0 a lot with her pizza obsession (XD) - Toy Catrina (a.k.a. Cat): Frenemy/Friendly Rival (they sometimes get along, but one usually ends up making the other angry... it doesn't end well... :P) - Toy Anomaly: Would possibly be friends, but Bonnie 13.0 doesn't know Toy Anomaly that well - Toy Choco: Bonnie 13.0 thinks Toy Choco is almost as annoying as Catrina, but they're still relatively good friends - Lime: He's her brother (like I said... as close as animatronics can be to siblings... XD)
Backstory: Lime and Bonnie 13.0 are from the future, but due to a crazy series of events started by Bonnie 13.0 accidentally ripping a poster with Golden Freddy's face on it and Lime attempting (but failing) to repair it, the two traveled back to the current timeline of the FNaF games.
Other: Bonnie 13.0 hates all past versions of himself, and thinks that he is "the best Bonnie of them all". Like his past versions, Bonnie 13.0 plays the guitar. His guitar is bright aqua with some neon blue accents. He and his sister were programmed to keep the security guards safe from the more murderous animatronics, and they usually succeed. However, once in a while, they malfunction and become even more vicious than all of the other animatronics combined.
Quote of his that sums up his personality (kind of): "Geez... learn to shut up sometime..."
Creator's Note: HE'S AN ANTISOCIAL NOOB. XD He also started out as a joke from the FNaF Wikia, but I kind of liked roleplaying as him, so he's now one of my official fan characters. XD
