Welcome to the world of Atalia. A place where all your fantasies, can become reality. Where dreams, can come to life...

But Atalia is in danger, and it needs a new generation of warriors to protect it, while it waits for it's saviours, the Princess of Life and the Princess of Death. When these two princesses work together, Atalia can be saved. But they've been sealed away, and need to be freed. Atalia needs a hero. Are you the one who will help save the world?

This is a roleplay world, where you can be anything you want to be. Nothing is too strange, or too weird. So, what do you say? Will you help me in my journey to save Atalia? You'll be faced with many challenges and dangers on your journey. And many people will try to stop you. Do you still think you have what it takes? Please PM me if you'd like to join. If we've already started posing, and you don't know how to include your OC in the story, just have them meet us on our travels. Everyone can start off with two main characters, and a bad guy for free. Adding any others will cost points.

Story Thus far

inufluffy12 - Lilith/ Kira
uzumaki859 - Sahiro Usagi
XxXWinXGirlXxX - Emiko
xdaisyx - Daisy
kyouyarenge - Zoey
YamiHita - Yuki and Kallik
Naruto Uzamaki12 - Ryou Misaki and Vladimir
HalwayVamped - Chase Aurelius, Adalia and Miwako Rin-Shay
Artgrrl - Hanna Avalon and Dusk
kaito1864 - Kaito
Kratos Cruxis - Oric Calter and Lyn Nia
greenLeAf863 - Xexilia
SaintMarkusAngel - Ashido and Knightly Crow
clueless101 - Haru Keiji
WhiteBloodVampire - Arato
littlepooch - Kei
animelover7310 - Alice and September
Hulaberry32 - Ayre
sunachick - Lola and Artemis

inufluffy12 - Nariku
SaintMarkusAngel - Scholar Trinity Rose
YamiHita - Koji
clueless101 - Natsu Kin
Artgrrl - Desdemona and Noboru
HalfwayVamped - Xenosa
greenLeAf - Calypso

Important info
Point System
What you can do with points

Contests/ Challenges

Create a banner

Entries for the last challenge:
uzumaki859's banner
xfishyx's banner
greenLeAF863's banner
Kratos Cruxis' banner
Kratos Cruxis' 2nd entry

Congrats to Gem for winning XD

inufluffy12 - ><
uzumaki859 - 380
XxXWinXGirlXxX - 400
xdaisyx - 100
kyouyarenge - 240
YamiHita- 420
Naruto Uzamaki12 - 260
HalfwayVamped - 180
Arrtgrrl - 1160
kaito1864 - 100
Kratos Cruxis - 300
greenLeAf863 - 820
SaintMarkusAngel - 340
clueless101 - 280
WhiteBloodVampire - 100
littlepooch - 160
animelover7310 - 220
Hulaberry32 - 100
sunachick - 100

The prince is an NPC, anyone can control him



Adalia Hadn't talked to me all morning. I was beginning to wonder if that was a blessing or a curse and sighed. I guess telling her to beat it was pushing a little too far into the area marked NO in big fat red sharpie. I stood up from where I was sitting on my bed packing up the small amount I had with me. I walked over to the room down the hall and knocked softly with one knotted in my hair.

The knob turned and a small white hand pryed open the door. The skin around Adalia's lips was red and irritaded like she'd be trying to pry them out again. A small dribble of blood ran down her chin. I could tell she'd been crying. I really hated this girl, with a burning passion, and yet it still felt wrong to cause pain to come to her. Her lip quivered and I could see the tears still fresh in her eyes.

"We should probably get downstairs with everyone else huh?" I said with my bag over my shoulder. She retreated into her room and grabbed her bag. I reminded her not to forget the Hyaenodon she'd left to wander the grounds. It would come when it was called. She wiped at the blood on her chin. I grabbed her shoulder and pulled her over to me. With an akward kiss around the stiches, I was able to close the open fingernail cuts.

I pulled her down the stairs by the wrist and we almost crashed into a group of people in the other room.

"Oops, sorry bout that!" I said to a little girl. She was with those two demons from last night. I gave them a little wave.

Stretching out my back i turned to Adalia and said, "Im gonna go wait outside, if you need me, come get me. I'll get the over-sized fluffball ready for travel." (refering to te Hyaenodon) I walked outside prepared to search for The dog when I spotted him with a girl about my edge near the edge of the property. She had Long, white hair held back in a ponytail. She wore and elaborate chinese dress that stopped two inches above the knee. Over that was a light looking breast plate(i guess thats the word....) with shoulder armour and these huge twin elbo blades jutting out from her arm connected by gauntlets.

She was scratching the Hyaenodon on the head and it's tongue lolled out. I called out to her.

She turned to me and imediatly turned bright red in the face. "U-uh umm, hi...is t-this th-the prince's c-castle?" she managed. Jeez for a cute girl she sure was shy.

"Yeah, why?" I wondered walking toward her.

"W-wel my name i-is Miwako a-and I recieved this invitation. B-but my m-mon said I had to finish school before I could come so I guess I'm a little l-late..." she stuttered.

I looked her over once. She seemed pretty skilled with the fancy warrior outfit and such but did she just say school? Oh god, dont tell me she was some weirdo who had a secret life of "super woman" outside of school. I chuckled and motioned for her to follow me.

"Does the thinger have a n-name?" she asked pointing to the dog.

"Nope. But you can give him one." I said.

"I already have, I called him Jexx."

". . ." -Chase

ooooookay. Maybe this was normal behaveior for human girls, but down in hell, nobody was this strange. I walked her up to the Castle and told her to go in. I stayed outside with "Jexx" and began poking at him with all kinds of needles that'd help him stay in good health in the upper world.

Sorry that was SOOOOOOO long and if it was too weird, let me know

Let the Bad Luck Begin...

“So what do you do for fun?” I asked them excitedly. They were about to reply when there was a scream from the kitchen. I looked at both of them and not really sure if they were following or not I ran to the kitchen and looked in to see a fire had started…

Blinking and looking at it wide eyed I took a frightened steep back. I didn’t like fire. Never have. Never will… Wrapping my arms around myself I took second steep back and bumped into someone. Looking up I recognized it to be September.

He too seemed surprised, “How did this happen?!” He asked slightly shocked. I shook my head unsure. All I knew was that I wanted to get away from the fire… Even if it wasn’t that big.

Soon enough the had the fire under control and no one seemed to really get how it could have set on fire, but they ended up saying that it must have just been a fluke… But was it really? COULD it have been from the two demons who seemed to have bad luck following them everywhere?

I shook my head… There was no way for us to really tell… Maybe his sister could but… mayyyyybe not…. Most fate demons tried to block out most thing…



Lilith by Artgrrl

It's Lilith and this time I colored :D It looks really good and I'm relieved because I'm not really good with colored pencils >.< I hope you guys like it. I'll enter this in inu's contest I'll have wait tomorrow because I already submit th...

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Koji by Artgrrl

YamiHita's other OC I hope you like it :D ...

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Yuki and Kallik by Artgrrl

Yami-chan's OCs Yuki and Kallik I hope you like it Yami :D ...

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