Welcome to the world of Atalia. A place where all your fantasies, can become reality. Where dreams, can come to life...

But Atalia is in danger, and it needs a new generation of warriors to protect it, while it waits for it's saviours, the Princess of Life and the Princess of Death. When these two princesses work together, Atalia can be saved. But they've been sealed away, and need to be freed. Atalia needs a hero. Are you the one who will help save the world?

This is a roleplay world, where you can be anything you want to be. Nothing is too strange, or too weird. So, what do you say? Will you help me in my journey to save Atalia? You'll be faced with many challenges and dangers on your journey. And many people will try to stop you. Do you still think you have what it takes? Please PM me if you'd like to join. If we've already started posing, and you don't know how to include your OC in the story, just have them meet us on our travels. Everyone can start off with two main characters, and a bad guy for free. Adding any others will cost points.

Story Thus far

inufluffy12 - Lilith/ Kira
uzumaki859 - Sahiro Usagi
XxXWinXGirlXxX - Emiko
xdaisyx - Daisy
kyouyarenge - Zoey
YamiHita - Yuki and Kallik
Naruto Uzamaki12 - Ryou Misaki and Vladimir
HalwayVamped - Chase Aurelius, Adalia and Miwako Rin-Shay
Artgrrl - Hanna Avalon and Dusk
kaito1864 - Kaito
Kratos Cruxis - Oric Calter and Lyn Nia
greenLeAf863 - Xexilia
SaintMarkusAngel - Ashido and Knightly Crow
clueless101 - Haru Keiji
WhiteBloodVampire - Arato
littlepooch - Kei
animelover7310 - Alice and September
Hulaberry32 - Ayre
sunachick - Lola and Artemis

inufluffy12 - Nariku
SaintMarkusAngel - Scholar Trinity Rose
YamiHita - Koji
clueless101 - Natsu Kin
Artgrrl - Desdemona and Noboru
HalfwayVamped - Xenosa
greenLeAf - Calypso

Important info
Point System
What you can do with points

Contests/ Challenges

Create a banner

Entries for the last challenge:
uzumaki859's banner
xfishyx's banner
greenLeAF863's banner
Kratos Cruxis' banner
Kratos Cruxis' 2nd entry

Congrats to Gem for winning XD

inufluffy12 - ><
uzumaki859 - 380
XxXWinXGirlXxX - 400
xdaisyx - 100
kyouyarenge - 240
YamiHita- 420
Naruto Uzamaki12 - 260
HalfwayVamped - 180
Arrtgrrl - 1160
kaito1864 - 100
Kratos Cruxis - 300
greenLeAf863 - 820
SaintMarkusAngel - 340
clueless101 - 280
WhiteBloodVampire - 100
littlepooch - 160
animelover7310 - 220
Hulaberry32 - 100
sunachick - 100

The prince is an NPC, anyone can control him

prophecy reviled

I walked with Haru to the dinning hall. I didn't know if he'd end up helping us or not, but that was his choose. We entered the dinning hall and I looked around. Emiko and Sahiro weren't there yet but everyone else was. I watched the others eat, I couldn't eat again. I was about to revele my darkest secret to a bunch of complete strangers. I shifted in my char. Finely I saw Emiko and Sahiro walk in. I pushed my char back and stood up.

"Everyone I have something to tell you," I said my voice shaking. "I wouldn't tell you this if it wasn't important for you to know. There's a prophecy in my clan. When twins are born into our clan, an evil sword will come to light. That evil sword will entrance a twin of it's choice. After becoming entranced the twin will leave the clan. The other twin will stay in the clan. This twin will become one of the best warriors in the clan. Then he will be taken out by the entranced twin."

"And what does this have to do with us?" Someone asked.

"I have a twin brother." I said simply and sat down.
So the group knows about the prophecy now.

New People

I shot up off the pillow and looked over at Yuki who was chatting with some fairy thing.
“It’s wake.” The little fairy gasped at my sudden movement.
“Excuse me who are you calling an it?” I muttered under me breath. *Stress mark*
“I was just about to leave if you want to come then you can.” Yuki told me.
I stood up and shrugged. “I have nothing better to do.” I said waving my hand and making my wings disappear.
“How did you do that?” The fairy asked.
“I just used my magic it’s not that big of a deal.” I sighed walking over to Yuki and the fairy.
Yuki sighed and walked out of the room. The little fairy and I followed.
“So where are we again?” I asked looking around.
“The princes’ castle.” He answered me.
“I don’t know any princes’.” I muttered a little bit too loud. “…do I?”
“How am I going to know the answer to that?” He sighed walking a little faster.
“Sorry I said anything.” I huffed.
We entered a room where there were other people that I saw from yesterday. They all had a strange essence about them. This can’t be Ari, not that I didn’t trust Yuki’s answer from last night but I’ve never met these people before and I’ve never known a prince. Or did I just dream up Ari?
* * * ** ** * * * **
Yea I finally posted again…yea I can’t think of anything else to say.



"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Someone screamed in my ear. God it's so early I opened my eyes and I saw the scariest looking woman with fiery eyes and wielding kunais in her hand. Aw crap.

I jumped out of bed and one kunai hit the pillow. I ran for the door and several kunais were thrown but they missed me. I ran down the corridor and more kunais were being thrown at me. On nearly missed me by an inch!

"Get back here so I can kill you!" I heard the little she devil yell after me.

Crap what was going on?!

I looked back and I saw the elf maiden Xexilia had gotten between us. She put one hand on the crazy girl's shoulder.

"I'm not so sure the Prince would welcome blood-shed in his halls this early," the elf said with a smile.

The girl I was beginning to realize as Hanna was shaking with anger and she pointed a kunai at me. "He was in my bed!"

I stared at her totally confused. What the Hell was wrong with her?! Doesn't she know it's me?!

"I wouldn't been too." I heard the incubus said to himself a few paces away. You shouldn't have said that dude.

"WHO THE F*** SAID THAT?!?!" Hanna whipped around and threw several kunais at him and I used the opportunity to run away.

"You get back here!!" I heard Hanna scream at me.

I ran into the banquet hall. I got to drink milk fast! No it's not because I'm thirsty it's just that it's the only way to change me back to my cat form. I scanned the tables looking for glass or pitcher of milk while running away from the carrot top ninja witch.

Finally I spotted a glass of milk I grabbed it and guzzled it down. I dodged another kunai and then the room and everything else grew bigger as I grew smaller then finally I was a cat again.

I flopped on the floor panting like crazy. God that was exhausting!

"D...Dusk...?" I heard Hanna said behind me.

I stood up and looked behind me. She was staring at me with her arms hanging to her sides and she let her weapons drop on the floor. "Wha-what..."

"Yeah it's me you f****** retard!!!" I yelled. "I can turn into a human remember?!?!?!"

"...oh..." she said blinking. Then tears stared falling from her face.

"WAH!!! I'M SORRY!!!" She grabbed me and squeezed me in a death hug.

"You're still trying to kill me." I chocked out and she loosen her grip. I saw that people were staring at us. "All right folks the show's over."


Okay Hanna stopped trying to kill Dusk now mostly ^_^



I was sleeping peacefully until I heard, "HE WAS IN MY BED!"

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, yawning that made me look like a kitten, and looked over to where my brother was. He was playing his violin, but stopped once he heard what I heard.

"September, what was that?" I whined as I plopped down back on the bed and he just sighed.

"I have no idea, Alice," September told me and he just yawned again as I shuffled my sketchbook out of my bag and just started to draw something I had seen in my dreams. It wasn't really pretty.

"Delivery!" I heard a voice say from outside the room and September got up and answered the door. He took what seemed to be an envelope from a guard and closed the door right afterwards.

September came over to me and sat beside me on the bed. He opened it up and it seemed that it was talking about the only way we had to stay in this palace was by just behaving as best we could. I just nodded and September just put it on the nightstand.

I went back to drawing the gore picture as more yelling continued outside the room.

They're really relaxed in the morning. Anybody can go and barge in on them if they want to! ^-^

Rough Morning

"Ryou,why are you humans so loud in the morning?" i said yawning."Cuz we can." he said back to me rubbing his eyes.

So we were sitting at the breakfest table and we see Hanna and Chase running around and crap."HE WAS IN MY BED!!" said the girl.and then it got all messy again."someone did not have a good night." Ryou said."i cant blame her,she's a girl who found a dude in her bed.of course she would freak." i said eating toast."i wouldnt be.i only know one guy that would do that to me." Ryou said pointing his knife at me.Then i remembered,when we were little(sometimes even as teens) i would sleep with Ryou in his bed."SHHH!!dont say that out load!" i said covering his mouth with my hand,then whispered in his ear,"thats because we were little,and your the one who wet the bed,and hugged me all the time." and then he got red,and put his finger to his lips and said "Shh!"

Yeah its a brother thing.i dont know if the others would get it.but its fun teasing Ryou!