Welcome to the world of Atalia. A place where all your fantasies, can become reality. Where dreams, can come to life...

But Atalia is in danger, and it needs a new generation of warriors to protect it, while it waits for it's saviours, the Princess of Life and the Princess of Death. When these two princesses work together, Atalia can be saved. But they've been sealed away, and need to be freed. Atalia needs a hero. Are you the one who will help save the world?

This is a roleplay world, where you can be anything you want to be. Nothing is too strange, or too weird. So, what do you say? Will you help me in my journey to save Atalia? You'll be faced with many challenges and dangers on your journey. And many people will try to stop you. Do you still think you have what it takes? Please PM me if you'd like to join. If we've already started posing, and you don't know how to include your OC in the story, just have them meet us on our travels. Everyone can start off with two main characters, and a bad guy for free. Adding any others will cost points.

Story Thus far

inufluffy12 - Lilith/ Kira
uzumaki859 - Sahiro Usagi
XxXWinXGirlXxX - Emiko
xdaisyx - Daisy
kyouyarenge - Zoey
YamiHita - Yuki and Kallik
Naruto Uzamaki12 - Ryou Misaki and Vladimir
HalwayVamped - Chase Aurelius, Adalia and Miwako Rin-Shay
Artgrrl - Hanna Avalon and Dusk
kaito1864 - Kaito
Kratos Cruxis - Oric Calter and Lyn Nia
greenLeAf863 - Xexilia
SaintMarkusAngel - Ashido and Knightly Crow
clueless101 - Haru Keiji
WhiteBloodVampire - Arato
littlepooch - Kei
animelover7310 - Alice and September
Hulaberry32 - Ayre
sunachick - Lola and Artemis

inufluffy12 - Nariku
SaintMarkusAngel - Scholar Trinity Rose
YamiHita - Koji
clueless101 - Natsu Kin
Artgrrl - Desdemona and Noboru
HalfwayVamped - Xenosa
greenLeAf - Calypso

Important info
Point System
What you can do with points

Contests/ Challenges

Create a banner

Entries for the last challenge:
uzumaki859's banner
xfishyx's banner
greenLeAF863's banner
Kratos Cruxis' banner
Kratos Cruxis' 2nd entry

Congrats to Gem for winning XD

inufluffy12 - ><
uzumaki859 - 380
XxXWinXGirlXxX - 400
xdaisyx - 100
kyouyarenge - 240
YamiHita- 420
Naruto Uzamaki12 - 260
HalfwayVamped - 180
Arrtgrrl - 1160
kaito1864 - 100
Kratos Cruxis - 300
greenLeAf863 - 820
SaintMarkusAngel - 340
clueless101 - 280
WhiteBloodVampire - 100
littlepooch - 160
animelover7310 - 220
Hulaberry32 - 100
sunachick - 100

The prince is an NPC, anyone can control him

Stalker Perv


"He was in my bed!" was all I heard as I walked back from the breakfst table. I was just going to my room and muttered with a smirk, "I would've been too."

Uh ohh I think she heard me...

SORRY! its so short, but im busy reading what I've missed so ILL BE BACK!

A Past To Forget

"I wonder what my past was like... I don't remeber my parents at all or how I ended up with the Mistress," Sahiro told me, forlornly. He stared at the grass at his feet, reminiscing.

I tilted my head, looking over at him. His parents must have died or abandoned him at a young age for him not to remember them at all. I was leaning more towards the ladder as he seemed to really miss them and was deeply saddened by the fact that he didn't really get a chance to know them. And wasn't it harder to deal with a parent dying than one who purposefully left you behind? Wasn't it heart-wrenching knowing that you weren't good enough to be loved?

"I wish I could have met them," Sahiro sniffled, pulling me out of my revere. If it was this difficult to talk about for him, for him to still get teary eyed, then it had mean he was abandoned. It seemed I needed to give him some peace of mind.

"Let me guess, your parents abandoned you when you were young, left you to the mercy of some village where they beat you, ignore you, scorned you. Someway, shape or form, you found your mistress and somehow the wolf spirit was sealed inside of you."

"How'd you guess?" Sahiro asked after he looked at me quizzically.

I shrugged as I rolled over onto my stomach and put my chin into my hand. "Everyone has some sob story, right? I just put two and two together. I've lived for generations. I see everything, how families should act, how families do act. I see the pain and anguish around me of those in trouble. You're a loner, like me, who has questions, doubts, but no answers. Your parents walked away from you, and to you that's harder to bear than if they had just died. You feel they didn't love you, that they couldn't handle you. You wish you could be normal, someone they can love so you can have a happy family together."

Sahiro stayed quiet, meaning I had hit home with my words. I just hoped I wasn't being too harsh, but I had used up my quota of goodness yesterday.

"Sorry to tell ya, kid, but there is no going back. No matter how much you may wish it, or may pray to the Gods, it will never change the fact that your parents are gone or the fact that there are truly evil people out there that don't care for anyone other than themselves, people who push you away, hurt you far deeper than usual, leaving scars that can't possibly heal."

"You sound as though you are speaking from experience," Sahiro finally said after a moment.

I blinked and realized he was right. I had been putting my own feelings and experiences into it. "I learned the hard way." I turned away and stared up at the clouds in the sky.


Geez! It's So Early!~Xexilia

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!" I heard as soon as I walked out my door.

Geez..a quarrel so early?!

I thought of it as nothing until my keen ears picked up the sounds of metal weapons sticking to walls and doors.

Oh dear...

Then a man burst from a room around the corner and came running. Why was he running? Well, there WERE kunai being thrown at him.

That half-witch, half-ninja girl was after him with kunai in her hands.

"Get back here so I can kill you!" she shouted.

I moved swiftly and got between the two, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"I'm not so sure the Prince would welcome blood-shed in his halls this early," I said with a smile.

Hanna, I think that was her name, shook angrily and pointed a kunai at the man, "He was in my bed!"

The man just stood there, looking slightly confused and totally dazed.

Well, this was a bit of a mess...


wuz that ok, Artgrrl?

Ugh, morning...

((soz I haven't posted, I got really lost for a while, plus I was busy. It'll probably be really short for now...))

I woke up with Tsuki beside me. She looked at me and yawned. Waving a hand in front of my nose, I choked out "Ew, morning breath..." Standing up, I pulled on my clean clothes and walked out, Tsuki padding behind me.

I passed a mirror, and suddenly understood some of the looks from the few people I walked passed. My hair was a huge tangled mess. Huge black bags under my eyes, which were a bit red. Ignoring the bed head look, I continued onto breakfast.

I sat down when suddenly Yuki stood up.

"Everyone I have something to tell you," he said with a shaky voice. "I wouldn't tell you this if it wasn't important for you to know. There's a prophecy in my clan. When twins are born into our clan, an evil sword will come to light. That evil sword will entrance a twin of it's choice. After becoming entranced the twin will leave the clan. The other twin will stay in the clan. This twin will become one of the best warriors in the clan. Then he will be taken out by the entranced twin."

Why was he telling us this?

"How does this concern us?!" called someone.

"I have a twin brother." he said and sat back down. There was silence for a bit as I let it soak in. Tsuki jumped up into my lap and nuzzled my hand. I wanted to stand up and hug Yuki. Instead, I remained there, petting Tsuki's head. As my food arrived (deer steak! Yum!), I ate in little bites.



Thanks for posting guys! DX Sorry I haven't been able to, I've been pretty busy. But I promise to post as soon as I can ^^