Welcome to the world of Atalia. A place where all your fantasies, can become reality. Where dreams, can come to life...

But Atalia is in danger, and it needs a new generation of warriors to protect it, while it waits for it's saviours, the Princess of Life and the Princess of Death. When these two princesses work together, Atalia can be saved. But they've been sealed away, and need to be freed. Atalia needs a hero. Are you the one who will help save the world?

This is a roleplay world, where you can be anything you want to be. Nothing is too strange, or too weird. So, what do you say? Will you help me in my journey to save Atalia? You'll be faced with many challenges and dangers on your journey. And many people will try to stop you. Do you still think you have what it takes? Please PM me if you'd like to join. If we've already started posing, and you don't know how to include your OC in the story, just have them meet us on our travels. Everyone can start off with two main characters, and a bad guy for free. Adding any others will cost points.

Story Thus far

inufluffy12 - Lilith/ Kira
uzumaki859 - Sahiro Usagi
XxXWinXGirlXxX - Emiko
xdaisyx - Daisy
kyouyarenge - Zoey
YamiHita - Yuki and Kallik
Naruto Uzamaki12 - Ryou Misaki and Vladimir
HalwayVamped - Chase Aurelius, Adalia and Miwako Rin-Shay
Artgrrl - Hanna Avalon and Dusk
kaito1864 - Kaito
Kratos Cruxis - Oric Calter and Lyn Nia
greenLeAf863 - Xexilia
SaintMarkusAngel - Ashido and Knightly Crow
clueless101 - Haru Keiji
WhiteBloodVampire - Arato
littlepooch - Kei
animelover7310 - Alice and September
Hulaberry32 - Ayre
sunachick - Lola and Artemis

inufluffy12 - Nariku
SaintMarkusAngel - Scholar Trinity Rose
YamiHita - Koji
clueless101 - Natsu Kin
Artgrrl - Desdemona and Noboru
HalfwayVamped - Xenosa
greenLeAf - Calypso

Important info
Point System
What you can do with points

Contests/ Challenges

Create a banner

Entries for the last challenge:
uzumaki859's banner
xfishyx's banner
greenLeAF863's banner
Kratos Cruxis' banner
Kratos Cruxis' 2nd entry

Congrats to Gem for winning XD

inufluffy12 - ><
uzumaki859 - 380
XxXWinXGirlXxX - 400
xdaisyx - 100
kyouyarenge - 240
YamiHita- 420
Naruto Uzamaki12 - 260
HalfwayVamped - 180
Arrtgrrl - 1160
kaito1864 - 100
Kratos Cruxis - 300
greenLeAf863 - 820
SaintMarkusAngel - 340
clueless101 - 280
WhiteBloodVampire - 100
littlepooch - 160
animelover7310 - 220
Hulaberry32 - 100
sunachick - 100

The prince is an NPC, anyone can control him

New world

There was something different about today. I looked around in the darkness.
I woke up because I was hungry. I’ve never met any of those people in my entire life. And what’s with all the strange clothes they were wearing. Where did Kenji go? I barely recognized the land scape. I got out of the tree and cracked my back then walked in the same direction that the castle was in. I stopped when I got to the castle and then I started walking around it. I glanced up and looked back down but something caught my eye and I looked again there was a kid pacing back and forth on his balcony. I had enough strength to spread my wings and fly up to his balcony. I landed softly on the railing. The light taping of my feet made him turn around and stair at me.
“Um hello my names Haru.” I waved to him “This is going to sound strange but are we in Ari?” I asked him.
He stared at me with his ice blue eyes like I was insane or something. He had long white hair with a blue tint to it.
“Um hello are you going to answer me or not?” I asked.
* * * * * * **
Okay so I hope this is alright with everyone because I’ve been having writers block with some of my ocs and I haven’t known what to do with them and how to get them into the story line with everyone else.

Yuki's fear

I started to fallow the others. As I approached the castle a voice sounded in my head. "Your twin will kill you. As with all twins in our clan you will be killed by the one closest to you." I collapsed on the stares. I felt myself shaking.

The prophecy about twins in our clan. Every set of twins born in our clan would kill each other. My clan made swords that were actually living. Sometimes an evil sword is made. It seems the same as all the other swords until it entrances one of us so it can accuses the world through them. The sword then seeks to unleash it's true form. The Prophecy of the twins is "When twins are born into our clan, an evil sword will come into the light. That sword will entrance a twin of it's choice. After becoming entranced the twin will leave the clan. The other twin will stay in the clan. This twin will be one of the best warriors in the clan. Then he will be taken down by the entranced twin."

I shook, unable to get up. The prophecy had meaning to me. I had a twin brother. My brother would kill me. I couldn't kill him, but he would kill me. That was the curse of the twins. It scared me. I couldn't flee my fear of the prophecy. I couldn't let Koji find me. If i couldn't escape it my new teem mates would be killed. I couldn't face that. No one knew how to destroy the sword without killing the one entranced. There must have been a way, but no one knew it. I couldn't just let my destiny kill me. I'd fight back when the time came.

I struggled to my feet and went to my room. I wasn't hungry now.
I hope you like the post.

the Human and Vampire are confused


Ryou:"yeah Vlad?"

Vladimir:"im confused about whats going on..."

Ryou:"yeah me too"

Vladimir:"what do u think we should do?"

Ryou:"thats simple.....we yell at someone!"

Vladimir:"i like that plan!!"

what the post says,im confused on whats happening

Another interruption ^^'

First, congrats to Gem for having the best banner! *claps*

And second, I've created another roleplay world (another one? is she crazy? the answer is: Yes, yes I am.) This roleplay is based on Ranma 1/2. So if you're interested, check it out >Here<


It was cold, wet, and dark. There were so many bones laying on the ground that every where you stepped there was a chrunch. Ashido had been in the chambers for what seem like a life time. The darkness was biting at his soul. He found a spot to stop and rest. He was afarid for the first time in his life. He had been running from something he could not see. He closed his eyes just for a second and when he open them he saw his father and mother standing before him. They spoke, "Why did you kill us? Why? We loved you and cared for you but yet you killed us!" Ashido jumped up and slammed against the wall. There was no exit. He panicked and screamed, "I didn't kill you it was someone else.!" His parents slowly moved towards him and said, "It was you, you were to weak to protect us. We died because of you." Ashido's heart skipped a beat. Then he felt something warm filling up his heart. It was power but a dark power. He started shaking in fear. His dad mmoved closer and said, "release it boy, release the darkness in your heart!" Ashido jumped back and felt a sword handle in his hand, but it had no blade. His parents got closer, and he swung the handle, and heard the sound of metal hitting a wall. Coming out of the handle was now a vine of thorwns, but were black and made of metal, and at the end of it were two fangs. The sword called to him, "I am the power you dream of, and the power you deserve. I have three forms, Conquer, Crush, and Erase. Use my power well, and never fear the dead again." Ashido then appeared outside the castle. He looked around puzzeled, and then the sword said, "I've taken you where you truly want to be." Ashido smilied and then heard a laugh. He looked up and saw Knightly standing by the door. "About time you came back brother." Ashido ran to his brother and hugged him, "I'm sorry brother I was weak, but now I am strong." They walked into the castle and found two rooms and went to bed.
Well decided to bring him back sooner, oh his new sword has a name it just hasn't been revealed yet, and it stays in its sword handle form until he needs it.