Welcome to the world of Atalia. A place where all your fantasies, can become reality. Where dreams, can come to life...

But Atalia is in danger, and it needs a new generation of warriors to protect it, while it waits for it's saviours, the Princess of Life and the Princess of Death. When these two princesses work together, Atalia can be saved. But they've been sealed away, and need to be freed. Atalia needs a hero. Are you the one who will help save the world?

This is a roleplay world, where you can be anything you want to be. Nothing is too strange, or too weird. So, what do you say? Will you help me in my journey to save Atalia? You'll be faced with many challenges and dangers on your journey. And many people will try to stop you. Do you still think you have what it takes? Please PM me if you'd like to join. If we've already started posing, and you don't know how to include your OC in the story, just have them meet us on our travels. Everyone can start off with two main characters, and a bad guy for free. Adding any others will cost points.

Story Thus far

inufluffy12 - Lilith/ Kira
uzumaki859 - Sahiro Usagi
XxXWinXGirlXxX - Emiko
xdaisyx - Daisy
kyouyarenge - Zoey
YamiHita - Yuki and Kallik
Naruto Uzamaki12 - Ryou Misaki and Vladimir
HalwayVamped - Chase Aurelius, Adalia and Miwako Rin-Shay
Artgrrl - Hanna Avalon and Dusk
kaito1864 - Kaito
Kratos Cruxis - Oric Calter and Lyn Nia
greenLeAf863 - Xexilia
SaintMarkusAngel - Ashido and Knightly Crow
clueless101 - Haru Keiji
WhiteBloodVampire - Arato
littlepooch - Kei
animelover7310 - Alice and September
Hulaberry32 - Ayre
sunachick - Lola and Artemis

inufluffy12 - Nariku
SaintMarkusAngel - Scholar Trinity Rose
YamiHita - Koji
clueless101 - Natsu Kin
Artgrrl - Desdemona and Noboru
HalfwayVamped - Xenosa
greenLeAf - Calypso

Important info
Point System
What you can do with points

Contests/ Challenges

Create a banner

Entries for the last challenge:
uzumaki859's banner
xfishyx's banner
greenLeAF863's banner
Kratos Cruxis' banner
Kratos Cruxis' 2nd entry

Congrats to Gem for winning XD

inufluffy12 - ><
uzumaki859 - 380
XxXWinXGirlXxX - 400
xdaisyx - 100
kyouyarenge - 240
YamiHita- 420
Naruto Uzamaki12 - 260
HalfwayVamped - 180
Arrtgrrl - 1160
kaito1864 - 100
Kratos Cruxis - 300
greenLeAf863 - 820
SaintMarkusAngel - 340
clueless101 - 280
WhiteBloodVampire - 100
littlepooch - 160
animelover7310 - 220
Hulaberry32 - 100
sunachick - 100

The prince is an NPC, anyone can control him

Food and Bed

Hanna I yawned and stretched my arms over my head. "Food sounds good!" I said. Dusk reverted back to his little cat form and perched on my shoulder. "Who wouldn't work up an appetite after that." Dusk said. He glanced at ...

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As if!


When Xexilia finally turned around, I noticed a single tear left in her eye. Reaching out I copied her line from before, "Such pretty tears."

After an almost cruel laugh, she said, "Tears are a weakness," and before I could say otherwise, she put a finger to my lips. "I'm going for a walk."

She turned and walked confidently away, not looking back. Before I could think it over I followed her. She walked just like Echo...

She wondered whether or not I would get into trouble with Adalia for following. She called her "my girl." I shivered at the thought.

"Pft. That's the Queen of Hell. Not even close to being 'my girl.' And you can call me Chase." I responded. Id probably get a smack for that one later...

Then suddenly, Xexilia encountered some demons. They exchanged a few few words. And I got an apologetic glance from her at the "demon" remark.

Before I could say anything "she" caught up with me and grabbed my arm. Adalia began dragging me away. Without using my brain, I lashed out in anger and bit her shoulder. She stopped moving. Then realizing my actions, quickly bit the other and she was able to move again.

"Chase Marcus Aurelius! WHAT IN HELLS NAME ARE YOU DOING?!" she burst out. "If you continue with this idiotic behavior, I will never return Echo to you. Not on your life! For the next 50 years, I will be the only girl on your mind, do you hear me!"

"Adalia, The written contract states that I may not participate in the act of love for the next fifty years. it doesn't control my thoughts. And it doesn't say I can't talk with another female!"

Then the expected smack came. Right on the left cheek, and she left a burn. I took her hand, knowing I couldn't argue(yet), and gave it a small lick. Then, placed it over the burn. It began to heal slowly.

"Go back home Adalia," I said. Now tears were streaming down her face. I dropped her hand, and walked back to Xexilia.

okay, if that confused neone, let me know

Story so far

So I'm going to try to do a story so far. I hope I don't confuse anyone. Micheal sends out letters for help Lilith enters the palace and is told about the Kenai's return Emiko gets her letter and gos to the ...

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Feast or Famine~Xexilia

After the battle and after the celebration was announced, I leapt from my place atop the wall and made for the castle.

Stupid tears kept slipping from my eyes...d*mn them.

I saw that demon-cat feasting on the rotting flesh of the Kenai, and shuddered in disgust.

I might be the blacksheep of the Elves but that was still extremely disgusting.

Taking my time, I focused on blinking away those traitor-tears before anyone could see.

"Hey!" a voice called from behind me.

'The Incubus?' I wondered but did not turn around.

"Hey," he said again when he caught up to me.

I smiled and said, "Hello, Incubus."

Unfortunately, he noticed the drops of stupid tears on my face and reached out with a finger, mimicking my action from before, "'Such pretty tears.'"

Laughing quietly in a bitter way, I replied, "Tears are a weakness."

He opened his mouth to protest, or at least try, but I put a finger to his lips and told him, "I'm going for a walk."

Honestly, food didn't appeal to me much. I could live on some bread or whatever.

Turning around again, I began waling to who-knows-where.

To my surprise, Chase followed with death glares from his girl following him.

"Not afraid to get in trouble with your girl, Incubus?" I asked him.

He made a slightly disgusted face and replied, "Pft. That's the Queen of Hell. Not even close to being 'my girl.' And you can call me Chase."

I was about to make a comment about the "Queen of Hell" but then I noticed two figures beneath a tree.


I approached their sleeping figures and asked, "Trespassing on royal grounds, demons?"

Then I turned and gave the Incubus...er..Chase a look that said, 'No offense.'

They awoke and looked at me like I was a mere toy in their way.

"We go where we wish, Elf," explained the girl.

They were twins.

Without thinking, I touched the brooch that I had pinned on my shirt, and wondered if my twin was still alive.


Did I get everything right, HV and animelover7310?

And I concluded that the brooch belonged to her twin...now to decide if her twin is a boy or a girl xD



"Brother, where's my food?" September sighed. I know I was making him upset, but I hadn't eaten for three days! We were just on the brink of wherever and I couldn't find any food around, and I wouldn't eat that human stuff. It's like dang poison to me!

"Look, Alice, calm down. I'm sure we'll find food-"

"You've been saying that for three days, and don't tell me your not hungry too!" I exclaimed angrily as both mine and September's stomaches growled at the same time.

And what was weird is that we came upon... I think, a palace? And the fighting of Kenai. With meat around everywhere! Yay!

Once all the people headed inside after killing all of the Kenai, I hurried over to where there was some meat lying around and just started eating it raw. I didn't really care at the moment if it was cooked or if it was raw. I really couldn't care less.

Both brother and I ate all of the meat that we could see, the guards around the castle cowering. Couldn't blame them. We were demons after all.

Once we finished, I burped loudly, and so did brother, and then we just burst out in laughter. Eating had calmed me down, but once I had accidentally bumped my fingers against the stairs of the palace, or building, or whatever, and my vision went blank, showed some hazy pictures, and then my mind came back to the world, and gave me an enormous headache. Ow...

"Another vision?" September asked and I nodded as I went over to him and he guided me towards a tree. He sat me under the tree and I put my head on his shoulder, feeling immediately sleepy.

"What was it about?" September asked and I shrugged. I couldn't even make out the images right now. I sighed and made a knot between his and mine's hair, his white, mine black. Soon it would be morning, and I would have white and he would have black hair. Yay for being twins.

September didn't push his question further, and soon we fell asleep, his hand around my waist and my head on his shoulder, my bag containing my flute and sketchbook under my arm and my iron sword still stuck on my back. We hoped it would be okay for sleeping under this tree... Just for a little bit.

Hope this was okay~! ^^ Anybody can go and find them! ^^
~Anime ^-^