A Letter

I stood tall, my demon frame much smaller than the demon I had just killed. I sighed; this demon had been easy, which was a pity. I was hoping for a bit of a workout fighting him. However, he had been quite easy to take down.

I morphed into my original body and looked down on the demon. He lay on his back, eyes closed, stomach bloated. I shook my head as I sensed something out of the corner of my eye and turned around in time to catch an arrow before it had hit me. Poison tipped?

So, this demon was just a diversion from the real threat, huh? Maybe I would get that workout today anyway. I was too good for my own good. All the demons in the past few decades had become quite easy to kill, it was making me feel lazy.

Snapping the arrow in two, I jumped high in the air. A shower of arrows shot out, but I had morphed into a demon that had a hard outer body that couldn't be penetrated by arrows. I was on top of the leader of the group. It was a bunch of natives, who thought I was the threat.

"Look, I just killed the threat; I'm not going to kill you," I stopped what i was doing, holding up my hands in surrender.

They obviously didn't understand me and tried throwing the arrows again, but this time at my week spots, like my neck. I easily dodged them. "If you continue this stupidity, I will kill you," I warned, meaning every word. I had tried to do the right thing.

But, beings as they couldn't understand me, they started attacking with swords. I morphed into fallen angel and wiped them out with a flick of my wrist, a poison whip tearing through their bodies like a knife in butter. Too easy, I thought as I morphed back to my original form and descended the mountain.

At the base, I heard someone calling my name. It looked like it was my acquaintance, Ajan, from back in the old country. What was he doing way over here? I wondered. I turned and waited for him to catch up.

"Master Emiko!" he panted holding up a scroll. When he reached my side he thrust it into my hands as he bent over to catch his breath. "That came in the mail early this morning. It was urgent that I get it to you immediately, so I have been running none stop."

I opened the scroll without a word to Ajan. It read:

Dear Emiko,

I will not waste your time with pointless messages. It is a simple as this, Atalia is in danger, and we need your help. Please come and assist us in our quest to save Atalia. I will explain everything to you once you arrive.

Your prince.

"Ajan, you know I don't do others' bidding. Just because he is a prince?" I frowned.

"But, Master Emiko, I thought beings the Prince himself could not do it, you alone could," he tried to think of an excuse to get me to go help this country. "He obviously sought you out for your fighting prowess."

I smirked. I knew he was just saying anything to get me to take this job, but I liked the sound of it. And besides, maybe whatever was endangering this place could give me pleasure in killing. I might get that workout after all. I nodded, "I'll go, but not because I care about this country. No, I have far better things to worry about. I'm going for the sake of fighting." I reminded him.

"Of course, Master Emiko," he nodded, bowing to me.

I morphed into another fallen angel. "I'm off. You may return home," I told him, flicking my wrist at Ajan, using the powers of teleportation. Ajan disappeared; I knew he would reappear back home.

I turned teleported myself to the castle's center. I was in the throne room, where a young girl and the prince sat, obviously awaiting my arrival. Wait, that girl was a fairy, not a human, as I had originally thought. I made a mental note of that and walked up to the Prince.

"I'm here," I informed him. "And you promised you would explain everything." I morphed into my original form, flicking my long blonde hair off of my shoulders and looked up at him expectantly.

