Daughter of the Primus Wicce Miranda Avalon


“Alright now, I want everyone to introduce themselves! Then I have a little test for you,” the prince said and I couldn't help but cringed a bit.

"Whats wrong?" Dusk asked me he was perched on my shoulder and was still in his true form.

"What if they don't like that I'm half witch and half ninja?" I whispered to him.

"Blimey only witches and ninjas would think like that. I'm sure these people won't care. When they found out who your mother is they want to know that you come to they're expectations of the daughter of the great Primus Wicce."

I gulped. I forgot about that. Primus Wicce is a witch term used as a title of respect to the most powerful and respected witch. I listened to a shy boy and his friend introduced themselves as Kallik and Yuki. Then a cat spoke up and introduce himself as Oric. I looked at him in surprise. I didn't notice him before until he spoke up.

Be careful HannaDusk said darkly. The winged black cat locked as with a seemingly normal cat. The cat looked amused as Dusk glared at him. He's a demon. Don't trust him and don't let your guard down.

You don't have to tell me twice. I telepathed. Demons??! what is the price thinking?

It's the Kenai we're dealing with and finding the princesses is no simple task.
Dusk cast his eyes around and the variety of people gathering in the room. My guess is that the man's desperate. Then Dusk grinned and hollered.

"Yo! The names Dusk and the carrot top here is Hanna Avalon!" I cringed again. Some looked at the familiar with surprised and disproving. No self respecting familiar would act like that and they would put the blame on the witch for not controlling him.

You just love to embarrass me don't you? I thought dryly. Then I noticed that people were now staring at me in amazement and surprise.

"Avalon?" Someone said. "As in related to Lady Miranda Avalon? The Primus Wicce."

"Who else genius?" Dusk retorted arrogantly. I had enough and snapped my fingers in front of Dusk's face. "Be silent." Dusk's face stiffen as the spell was cast on him. He could not talk unless the spell wore off or I removed it.

I took a deep breath and gave everyone a friendly smile. "It's nice to meet you all."


Okay that's it.

PS Primus Wicce means "First Witch" in Latin.
