
Knightly was a little causious about shaking Chase's hand, after watching his match, but finally he shoked it. Well it looks like we have to face heavy armored soldiers. So here's my plan, I'll smash their armor to bits and then you can use your poison to finish them. Its kinda weird working with someone who not a long range fighter like my brother, but I think we'll do fine."

The newly formed teammates headed down to the arena, where 20 soldiers were waiting for them. Knightly pulled his sword out of its case, and it resembled a giant fang.

"Shall we began?" Knightly asked Chase, and Chase answered with a simply yes.

The two teammates then rushed towards the gaurds and with a single flick of his wrist, the soldiers armor shattered into tiny peices. Then Chase with a prick of a needle left the soldiers on the ground and in pain, as he poison went through their bodies.

Finally there was one soldier left, but he was different than the others. He was taller and stronger but lacked the brain power. Knightly turned to Chase and asked, "Do you mind if I take him down by myself, but I do need you to put some poison in my claws. I don't want to kill him." Chase then walked over and did just what Knightly asked. Knightly thank him and placed his sword down. He walked towards the final soldier with nothing but his claws. The soldier laughed at him and swung his giant hammer. With only his left arm, Knightly crushed the hammer and with his right sent the Giant a cold chill as his claws pierced his armor and the poison sank in.

Knightly walked over and picked up his sword. "Thank you Chase, it's been fun teaming up." With the match over, Knightly and Chase headed back to their seats.
