
It was an old cave that had been sealed many years ago by a clan that had long died out. It was unsure what was inside other than it was a great evil. A theif who had heard rumors about a great treasure inside the cave went to find out what was inside. Written on the outside wall in ancient language "Open this gateway and Time and Space will stand still", but the theif couldn't read it. He blew up the door and ventured inside. Once inside he heard a voice say, "Release these chains and I will give you your treasure." So the theif did just that, than a boy appeared and placed his right hand on the theif's shoulder and said, "Thank you for releasing me from this tomb, now I will give you your treasure." The theif's eyes lit up, but soon they died out. The theif let out a yell and soon aged and kept againg until there was nothing but dust left. "Well that idoit had no clue what he got himself into. Now I, Scholar Trinity Rose, well take my revenge on this world!" and with an evil laugh, he began to search for people to kill.

Thought I would go ahead and introduce my villain.
