

I leaned back on my throne and laughed as I surveyed the scene around me. The humans were running around, screaming for help. Some were begging for mercy, while others looked as though they had accepted their fate. This was why it was much more fun to hunt humans. One of my warriors approached me, holding a small boy in his hands. “My queen, are you hungry?” he rasped.

I looked down at the young boy, who squirmed in the warrior’s grasp, tears spilling down his cheeks, a look of pure terror on his face. I smiled at the little boy, “Yes I am.” I looked down at one of the humans I had enslaved for my entertainment, “Help me up.”

“Yes Milady,” he said obediently as he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the throne.

I walked up to the little boy, and clasped his face in my hands, “Too bad, he would have made a fine man when he was older.” I bared my fangs, and sunk them into his neck. He screamed and struggled while my warrior held him still, and I lapped up his delicious lifeblood.

After a while, his screaming turned into a whimpering, and he ceased to struggle as much, losing his strength. A few seconds later he stopped moving all together. I pulled back and looked into his wide, lifeless eyes. I tossed him aside, and wiped my mouth, “I am finished with him.” Three of my kind immediately jumped to the little boy’s body, and began to feast. Pigs, I thought to myself.

I sat back down, and was just starting to relax to the soothing sound of the human’s screams, when running footsteps interrupted my peace. Irritated, I looked up to see another of my warriors making his way toward me. “My queen, I bring you newssss,” he hissed.

“What is it? If it is not important I shall feed you to your brothers for interrupting me when I was relaxing,” beside me, several of the Kenai licked their lips. Filthy creatures males were, they wouldn’t think twice about eating one of their own.

He bowed, “Yessss, my queen. It issss very important. I have reasssson to believe that the prince issss forming an army to try and sssstop usssss,” he looked as though this worried him.

I laughed at his stupidity, “You really think an army is enough to stop us?”

“No my queen, but you didn’t not let me finissssh,” he interrupted me. I glared at him, but signalled for him to continue. “They’re sending a small group to wake up the twinssss,” he hissed disgusted. Hmm, so the prince thinks that those twins will be enough to stop us? I’d like to see them try. But just to be on the safe side, I should have this small group annihilated, so that they can’t cause us any trouble in the future.

I stood back up, and walked to the warrior. “Thank you,” I smiled and stroked his cheek, before snapping his neck. “But never interrupt me when I am talking.” I took a step back, and let him crumple to the ground. The others looked at me warily. “What aren’t you hungry anymore?” their cautious looks turned into ones of hunger, and they attacked the body of their once brother. I could hear as they fought over who got which parts. Bones were broken, flesh was torn off, and blood stained the ground where I had stood just moments before. Males, filthy creatures.

I motioned for one of the other warriors to come forward. He walked up to me and bowed, “Yessss my queen?”

“I want you to take fifty warriors, and kill all who are a part of the group that was mentioned,” I smiled seductively, and traced a line down his rough, scaled chest with my finger.

I felt him shiver, and he nodded enthusiastically,” Yessss my queen. Anything for you.” He ran off, and I chuckled to myself. Males were so easy to manipulate. I sat back down on my throne, and started to relax once more. There was no need to worry, the blood of that group would soon be staining the princes lovely castle. I could just imagine their screams and cries for help.

Tired! Ok, so some of the Kenai on their way. And everyone’s gonna have to fight! :D So go ahead and kill them any way you want to!
