A different world

“Damn it Natsu what the hell is your problem?” I shouted dodging another one of his punches.
“I told you already you’re a fallen angel and I’m a demon.” He told me swinging again.
“But we were friends first I don’t understand how you became a demon.” I said quickly grabbing his wrist and pulling it behind his back.
I herd a pop. He dislocated his shoulder. That was still disgusting no matter how you looked at it. I let go of his arm and spared my wings but before I could take off something grabbed my feet so I couldn’t fly.
“What the hell are you doing?” Natsu demanded the thing had him by the ankles as well.
“I’m not doing anything.” What ever it was it pulled us down into the ground and Natsu disappeared from in front of me.
“Natsu where did you go?” I looked around but all I saw was darkness. “Natsu!” Then a shock went through my body the last thing I remember is seeing the ground quickly coming towards me before I blacked out.
* * * * * * * * *
Yea Haru and Natsu are from a different world.
