
Ashido jumped up out of his seat, and ran over to his brother. "Brother we need to go outside for a few minutes." Ashido whispered to his brother. Ashido than walked over to the Prince. "Prince I'm afaird it looks like we have some enemies approaching the castle, about fifty or so. Me and my brother will try and stall a few of them, but you need to alert everyone else." The Prince had a shocked reacting, "You mean already?" "Yes I'm afarid, would you like me to warn everyone?" The Prince thought for a minute, then replyed, "I guess its time to see how strong they really are go ahead and tell them." "Right away." answered Ashido the he walked towards the center of the arena and said, "Teamates and heroes, it seems we have some uninvitied guest of on their way to the castle. The mean to kill us and eat our bodies. It is time to show the Prince what we are really made of, so let's kill these enemies and strike fear into all who stand against us." With this said Ashido took off to meet up with his brother outside, to face the Kenai.
Thought this would help everyone get ready for the fight.
