A Child

Lyn sat in a tree not far from a castle that appeared to stick out from the forest more like a tree than an actual human made building. She had caught sight of it a few days beforehand but had just started approaching it. Glancing up at the castle for a moment, the young blonde looked back down and stared at the picture she had been drawing of it. The lines on the paper were flat in comparison with what the youthful girl say, and yet she could find any way to truly make it correct. However, this only appeared to affect the girl for a half second before she had closed her sketchbook and was looking for a way to get down from the tree. As her eyes looked down to the ground below, a sudden fear encased the girl, and yet almost as a protection against her own fears, the pale child burst into laughter. Seizing a branch, Lyn slowly lowered herself back down to the ground approximately thirty feet below her, and with acute sense, Lyn came down without a scratch.

The child’s eyes moved around the area as her feet finally hit the floor of the forest. Smiling to herself, the girl began to skip through the woods. “I’m sure someone’s in that huge place! Lyn laughed to herself as the youth kept moving closer and closer to the castle. “And maybe I can find someone to play with!” A spring like laughter escaped her once again, and the girl continued on closer and closer to the castle.

However, as the youth came closer and closer to the castle, the sounds of fighting rang into the girl’s ears. Her eyes widened considerably, and she froze completely. Catching a slight breath before managing to somehow comfort herself against the impeding stress, the little blonde managed to place a smile upon her visage once more. “I’m sure that people are just training or something… it is a castle… I mean… it’s not like people are fighting…” Lyn convinced herself carefully in her own mind making sure not to associate what had been previous thoughts with the newer ones. Continuing forwards, the young girl came to the gates of what appeared to be a large coliseum. There were several guards standing in front of an iron gate that appeared to be blocking the way in. Both guards were turned and staring in through the holes in the gate at something, and as the child approached, neither of the guards took any note.

“What do you think is going on in there?” one of the guards asked to his counterpart.

“I think those are Kenai…” the other answered somewhat warily to the first. “But the people that the prince summoned seem to be able to handle themselves well…”

“True… did ya catch a glimpse of what they were doing before hand?” the first asked.

“Ya something with testing… it was more like an all out brawl….”

“Who’s fighting who?’ Lyn’s voice shook a bit.

The two guards, stunned by the sudden voice, turned their heads to the side and saw that a young girl with blonde hair was standing between them and surveying the fighting that was going on beyond the gates just as they were. Standing full again, both men turned to the child and then exchanged unsure glances at one another.

“Don’t tell me the prince summoned a little kid…” the first guard said raising his eyebrow at the pale child that clung to a white sketchbook in front of him.

“She’s probably lost or something,” the other guard concluded nodding his head. “We should have the Captain keep her and search out her family or something….”

“What’s going on in there?” Lyn asked with a light voice as she smiled at the two guards.

“Well the prince you see- ouch….” The second guard swore harshly at being punched in the arm by the first who was giving such a caustic stare back at his counterpart that the latter of the two fell quiet after another moment.

“Nothing,” the first concluded as he looked at Lyn with a more scrutinizing visage. “There is nothing for a little kid to see here. Where is your mother or father or elder sibling?”

The young blonde just stared at the guard for a solid second reflecting a look of confusion in her vibrant blue eyes. Turning her head to one side as though to observe the guard from a different angle, the young girl continued to stare.

“But there has to be something,” Lyn started again. “Why is there fighting in there?”

“The Kenai are attacking,” the second guard said matter of factly, but as soon as his words reached the open, a half scream escaped the young girl. The words that she had learned so clearly as Kenai had forced the fear from her, but after a moment of looking down and trying desperately to compose herself, the young girl let out a breath and looked upwards one more forcing a smile upon her visage.

“Ah, I see I see,” the young girl laughed causing both guards to each raise an eyebrow in confusion. “Well bye bye!” Turning around, Lyn took a big step as though she were walking on nothing.

Those… Kenai….. are…..Lyn thought to herself as her fingers tightened around the sketchbook that she clung to. Mean……And yet even with this thought, the young girl was actually quite intrigued by them despite pertinent facts about her past. But they can’t be that bad. They’re alive! So they have to be good somewhere! Maybe I should talk to one or something! Ya! Brimming with a sudden boundless optimism that often came with the young girl’s mindset, Lyn raised u her arms happily and sudden turned around on her heels again. “I want to go in!” she said excitedly and made a step towards the gate once more. The guards looked at each other and then back at Lyn. As she tried to step through, they made a barrier between her and the coliseum respectively.

“I want to go innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!” the young girl persisted with somewhat of a whiney voice. Both guards shook their heads and continued to be brick walls on the matter.

With a catlike ability, the young girl forced herself between the guards and slid through. Both guards, in an effort to halt Lyn’s movement, tried to seize the back of her dress, but the girl had already started to get through the bars that separated the interior of the coliseum with the exterior. Finally within the stadium area, the little girl turned back to the guards on the other side and stuck her tongue out childishly. Turning her head back into the interior of the coliseum, Lyn’s eyes widened as she looked around. It appeared that humans, as well as some that did not appear human, were fighting large beasts with different forms. Lyn’s eyes grew wide as she began to recognize the forms. Kenai…..she thought to herself.

Suddenly, one of the Kenai seemed to come to senses that someone had entered the coliseum. Turning its head, the beast grinned straight at Lyn. The child’s eyes grew wide as a sudden fear incased her, and a cry broke out into the air.
=U someone want to save a Lollie?
