
Finally! I could kill these stupid Kunai that were attacking us. It was about time, too. I couldn't stand having to control myself from killing those stupid soldiers from the lame test we had to do with the others.

Getting up, I'm sure I had a sadistic grin on my face. But, I was excited as I always was at the sight of blood. It was a good thing I was a good guy, or at least on their side, or they would be hurting.

I wasted no time in attacking as many of the queen's weak warriors as I could. They weren't much of a threat; I didn't even have to use my full strength to take them out, which only saddened me, as I wanted a little bit of a work out. I saw Sahiro attacking a warrior, and was about to kill him, but I threw the limp body of the soldier I had already taken care of at Sahiro's target.

He glanced over at me. I smirked before grabbing the wrist of a warrior who was about to grab him. I had moved so fast that Sahiro hadn't even realized I had moved until I was right in front of him, saving him from dying. That was so unlike my nature, but killing was killing and that warrior was getting on my nerves.

Sahiro blinked in surprise at how quickly I had moved and how close I was, but I jumped over him gracefully and started finishing off the group of Kurai coming our way. As I broke one's neck, I felt powerful, and excited at the same time. Yes, I had missed this!

