I have to help

I watched as the others arrived and began fighting. I stud in front of Yuki, protecting him. I saw a small girl enter the palace grounds. Surly the prince hadn't invited someone that young. A boy flow to the top of the palace, and landed on the roof. I did my best, but I coulcan you still dn't protect Yuki through the fight. I looked back at him. "Kallik..." His voice sounded weak, but he was awake.

"Yuki, can you still fight?" I asked worried.

"I-I think so..." his reply was weak.

"You still have sum of those cookies, right?" I checked.

"What do you take me for, stupid?" he muttered. He pulled a cookie out of his pocket. I know that cookie was meant to give his body an extra bust of energy, but if he ate it now he would be weak longer than if he just rested. He looked at me, "You know we have know chose in this situation." I looked into his blue eyes and know it was true. Yuki ate the cookie as I walked from his side.

As they charged I froze the first in line and glared at the others. They turned to run but I froze them as they fled. I shattered the ice that had taken over parts of there bodes. They collapsed, one held his leg, another clutched his arm, and the last was dead on the spot. I looked at there blood and the urge to kill almost overtook me, scarlet and beautiful it spread across the ground pulling me into it's trance. I spotted Oric as he killed violently. No I would not let my demonic urges takeover. I would not be like Oric, I would not kill randomly. I was not that kind of being.
so Kallik dos have a demon side. I just noticed this but the end of her name in kill spelled backwards. Talk about random.
