

“Show me,” I waved my hand over the small mirror, and hissed at what was shown to me. My warriors were being defeated. I watched as the group the prince had summoned, slaughtered them all. Maybe it was time I...

“My queen? What issss wrong?” a male interrupted my thoughts. I glared at him, and snapped my fingers. His head sliced clean off, and his body crumpled to the ground. As if I had called out to them, announcing that he was now food, a group of males came and devoured his body, and quickly scampered off.

I looked back down at the mirror, and noticed how some of the fighters had a strange kind of darkness in their hearts, similar to a Kenai’s. I closed my eyes, and decided. It was time to summon a group of my own.



The Kenai’s numbers started to dwindle, until all of them had been killed. Random or not, Micheal had made a very good choice for the group he had chosen. Some of them looked as though they weren’t even slightly tired. I looked up at the sky, and saw it was getting dark. I heard clapping, and turned to see Micheal smiling enthusiastically, “Well done everyone! That was amazing!”

I ignored him and looked at the captain of the guards, “Burn the bodies.” He gave me a look that said ‘what the hell gives you the right to order me around little girl?’

I glanced at Micheal, and he nodded, “Do as she says.” The guard seemed to sigh in defeat, and ordered his guards to collect the bodies and take them to the courtyard to be disposed of. He looked back at the small group, “Come inside! We’ve prepared a feast for you. After dinner you’ll be escorted to your rooms. Make sure you get plenty of sleep, since you be embarking on your quest early tomorrow morning.” He turned to walk inside, and I followed him.

“Micheal,” I whispered. He glanced at me. “Did you invite her too?” I said pointing to the little girl who had said her name was Lyn.

His eyes opened in surprise, “I don’t believe I did. Oh well, she can join us for the feast, and even stay the night. We’ll figure out what to do with her in the morning.”

I nodded, “Alright then. I’m going to my room, I ate yesterday.” ((Fairies only have to eat once every 3 days. Lucky DX)) He nodded back, and I veered off from the rest of the group. As I reached my room, I noticed that there was someone else there. “Who’s there?” I called out.

A figure stepped out from the darkness. “My name is Arato,” he smiled.

I hope this makes sense. I thought I should find a way to include Arato in the story. Sorry if I stuffed up what you were planning to post WhiteBloodVampire DX
