
Ashido watched as everyone went back inside the castle, until only him and his brother were left outside. Ashido fell to his knees with anger. "Why do I have to be so weak." He punched the ground and rage. "I can't protect anyone. I bypass the seal and it leaves me unconscious. I can't stand it anymore. I want to be stronger!" He looks up to the sky. "I know You are out there laughing at me right now!" Knightly walked up to his brother and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Your not weak brother, your a lot stronger than most people here, you just can't access all of your power." Ashido looked at his brother than stood up and placed his hand on Knightly's shoulder. "Brother forgive me." Ashido punches Knightly in the gut knocking him out cold. "I'm sorry brother but I must become stronger, and there is only one place that I can do that. So when you wake up you'll know that I went to the Chambers Of Never Ending Deathly Darkness. I will return brother that is a promise. Please don't worry about me." Ashido bent down to his brother body and placed a note in his hands, then disappeared. A few hours later Knightly woke up and read the note, tears filled his eyes, "That idoit he always thinks of himself first. But if anyone can survive the Chambers it's him. He's the only thing that Death fears." Knightly wiped his eyes then walked inside for the feast.
I know it's a little strange but it'll make sense later on in the story.
