
The creatures/monsters were done, as we had all finished them off. They were useless, meaningless soldiers. Nothing that could quench my thirst to kill, to feel the blood between my fingers as I destroyed the life energy.

I sighed and looked around me. Apparently there was a feast to celebrate the victory. In my opinion, if we hadn't been able to defeat that weak army, we didn't deserve to be fighting to begin with. The Kunai aren't very strong, at least not in comparison with my centuries worth of experience in fighting.

Everyone was heading to their rooms in the castle. Like hell I was going to celebrate the success of this stupid fight with those people. I looked around me to see where I could hide out and decided to just go relax in the grass. I could star gaze all night, it was my guilty pleasure. The stars were never the same. I always found something different. I liked different, especially in my too routined life.

I placed my hands behind my head as I gazed off into the distance, not thinking about anything in particular, just enjoying the quiet and the twinkling of the stars as they looked down on me. It was nice and peaceful, which I could only take in small quantities. But, this was ideal, something I thoroughly enjoyed.

