Cat's Cradle

Oric sank his teeth into the flesh of the last Kenai that he would get that day with a somber feeling running through his system. In truth, the demon’s lust for battle was still pulsing under his skin like the life giving blood that humans and their mammalian counterparts lavish in, and this sad understanding that he would have to wait for more caused a deep pang of sadness. Retaining his human form, the demon spat the blood and shreds of flesh that had accumulated in his grotesque mouth and brought up his hand to shove away the excess that had been left on his visage.

“Come inside! We’ve prepared a feast for you. After dinner you’ll be escorted to your rooms. Make sure you get plenty of sleep, since you be embarking on your quest early tomorrow morning.” An almost overly jubilant prince spoke aloud as the last of the Kenai had been massacred by the strength of those he had summoned. Upon hearing this, Oric turned his head sharply and stared for a moment noting that the prince had turned and was starting inwards towards the castle once more.

“I’m not hungry for human food,” the demon spoke more to himself than to anyone within the immediate vicinity. “It makes me sick anyways….. However…..” With a sudden motion, the demon turned his head towards the dead bodies of the Kenai which had been piled up in an effort to make a large fire of flesh. “The bodies of the dead will suit me well enough….” With a fluid motion, the demon that once stood as a man was now sitting in the form of an overly large feral cat. The cat’s dark tongue escaped from its lips and moved across the surface of said lips. “Move, humans,” Those that had been transporting the bodies seemed to jump away with a sudden discontent at seeing the great beast before them. The cat smiled pleasantly at the guards, and an almost purr escaped the feral demon.

“Indeed,” Oric said aloud as he came closer and closer to the dead Kenai. “I have never tried the flesh of the already damned creatures such as this… what taste shall they be of? I am hoping something sweet as sin tastes…m….”

“What are you….” The apparent leader of the guards was starting to try and impose his own sort of circumstances upon the demon who only reflected a look of lameness back at him. The cat ignored him, made one giant leap, and tore into the mound of flesh like a hyena slaughtering at the muscle tissue of a deer.

A scream of pleasure escaped from the demon’s throat as he took in the taste of the Kenai. “They are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good…..” Oric yowled aloud as he continued to tear and feed.

Blood spattered the area as the demon tore into the flesh farther and farther, and after what appeared to be only a few minutes, the great cat yawned to himself and took the form of a human once more sitting with his legs crossed and a pile of Kenai bones spattered about as one with a craving for something more suitable would leave such. Shaking his head, Oric felt somewhat dizzy to his own discomfort and agitation. Leaning backwards, the demon lay on his back and stared upwards at the celestial cortex that filtered through the clouds that night.

Well… this is the beginning of the game…. Choosing to be a pawn for now until I take the king…. Fun fun fun…..
Opening one closed eye, the demon surveyed the guards around him trying to pick up the bones of what was left around him without disturbing him. Pft.. humans…..Oric swore to himself.

Master….. don’t be so harsh……a quiet childlike voice begged with such a sudden immediacy that the demon who registered this note sat up straight. Leaning forwards and biting the flesh of his own finger to the point that black blood seeped from the veins, the demon surveyed the comment of this made within his own tendrils of thought.

Don’t tell me what to do, boy….
Oric answered back after another moment. The black blood was starting to run its way down his finger and drip onto the ground. I have no patients for the weak…. They are only useful to manipulate.

Please…. Don’t be so harsh…. We’re all trying to destroy the Kenai right?

We? At this, a sharp laughter cracked out from the lungs of Oric causing the guards who had continued to pick up the bones around him to jump quickly and retreat away from him approximately twenty feet. Do you think you are a part of this too my idiot apprentice? Silence and leave me to my work.

Please…. Master…. Oric….. was all the voice returned with. This only served to agitate the demon causing him to force his way into a standing position. Turning his head sharply to those that were still within the confines of the area, Oric let out a breath and started to walk towards the castle once more. In truth, the demon was not tired in the least, and yet there was still a part of him more intrigued by the confines of the inner castle than he was willing to admit. Taking this into compass, the demon shook the remainder of the thoughts from his head and killed the voice that had pleaded to him so incessantly.

Walking into the castle, the demon turned his head and stared to where a party of what appeared to be those refusing to sleep was beginning to form. Forming into a cat once more, the demon stepped forwards and found a couch not too far away from where a conversation was being shared. Laying complacently on the couch, the demon closed his eyes and appeared to be asleep.
