

"Brother, where's my food?" September sighed. I know I was making him upset, but I hadn't eaten for three days! We were just on the brink of wherever and I couldn't find any food around, and I wouldn't eat that human stuff. It's like dang poison to me!

"Look, Alice, calm down. I'm sure we'll find food-"

"You've been saying that for three days, and don't tell me your not hungry too!" I exclaimed angrily as both mine and September's stomaches growled at the same time.

And what was weird is that we came upon... I think, a palace? And the fighting of Kenai. With meat around everywhere! Yay!

Once all the people headed inside after killing all of the Kenai, I hurried over to where there was some meat lying around and just started eating it raw. I didn't really care at the moment if it was cooked or if it was raw. I really couldn't care less.

Both brother and I ate all of the meat that we could see, the guards around the castle cowering. Couldn't blame them. We were demons after all.

Once we finished, I burped loudly, and so did brother, and then we just burst out in laughter. Eating had calmed me down, but once I had accidentally bumped my fingers against the stairs of the palace, or building, or whatever, and my vision went blank, showed some hazy pictures, and then my mind came back to the world, and gave me an enormous headache. Ow...

"Another vision?" September asked and I nodded as I went over to him and he guided me towards a tree. He sat me under the tree and I put my head on his shoulder, feeling immediately sleepy.

"What was it about?" September asked and I shrugged. I couldn't even make out the images right now. I sighed and made a knot between his and mine's hair, his white, mine black. Soon it would be morning, and I would have white and he would have black hair. Yay for being twins.

September didn't push his question further, and soon we fell asleep, his hand around my waist and my head on his shoulder, my bag containing my flute and sketchbook under my arm and my iron sword still stuck on my back. We hoped it would be okay for sleeping under this tree... Just for a little bit.

Hope this was okay~! ^^ Anybody can go and find them! ^^
~Anime ^-^
