Feast or Famine~Xexilia

After the battle and after the celebration was announced, I leapt from my place atop the wall and made for the castle.

Stupid tears kept slipping from my eyes...d*mn them.

I saw that demon-cat feasting on the rotting flesh of the Kenai, and shuddered in disgust.

I might be the blacksheep of the Elves but that was still extremely disgusting.

Taking my time, I focused on blinking away those traitor-tears before anyone could see.

"Hey!" a voice called from behind me.

'The Incubus?' I wondered but did not turn around.

"Hey," he said again when he caught up to me.

I smiled and said, "Hello, Incubus."

Unfortunately, he noticed the drops of stupid tears on my face and reached out with a finger, mimicking my action from before, "'Such pretty tears.'"

Laughing quietly in a bitter way, I replied, "Tears are a weakness."

He opened his mouth to protest, or at least try, but I put a finger to his lips and told him, "I'm going for a walk."

Honestly, food didn't appeal to me much. I could live on some bread or whatever.

Turning around again, I began waling to who-knows-where.

To my surprise, Chase followed with death glares from his girl following him.

"Not afraid to get in trouble with your girl, Incubus?" I asked him.

He made a slightly disgusted face and replied, "Pft. That's the Queen of Hell. Not even close to being 'my girl.' And you can call me Chase."

I was about to make a comment about the "Queen of Hell" but then I noticed two figures beneath a tree.


I approached their sleeping figures and asked, "Trespassing on royal grounds, demons?"

Then I turned and gave the Incubus...er..Chase a look that said, 'No offense.'

They awoke and looked at me like I was a mere toy in their way.

"We go where we wish, Elf," explained the girl.

They were twins.

Without thinking, I touched the brooch that I had pinned on my shirt, and wondered if my twin was still alive.


Did I get everything right, HV and animelover7310?

And I concluded that the brooch belonged to her twin...now to decide if her twin is a boy or a girl xD
