As if!


When Xexilia finally turned around, I noticed a single tear left in her eye. Reaching out I copied her line from before, "Such pretty tears."

After an almost cruel laugh, she said, "Tears are a weakness," and before I could say otherwise, she put a finger to my lips. "I'm going for a walk."

She turned and walked confidently away, not looking back. Before I could think it over I followed her. She walked just like Echo...

She wondered whether or not I would get into trouble with Adalia for following. She called her "my girl." I shivered at the thought.

"Pft. That's the Queen of Hell. Not even close to being 'my girl.' And you can call me Chase." I responded. Id probably get a smack for that one later...

Then suddenly, Xexilia encountered some demons. They exchanged a few few words. And I got an apologetic glance from her at the "demon" remark.

Before I could say anything "she" caught up with me and grabbed my arm. Adalia began dragging me away. Without using my brain, I lashed out in anger and bit her shoulder. She stopped moving. Then realizing my actions, quickly bit the other and she was able to move again.

"Chase Marcus Aurelius! WHAT IN HELLS NAME ARE YOU DOING?!" she burst out. "If you continue with this idiotic behavior, I will never return Echo to you. Not on your life! For the next 50 years, I will be the only girl on your mind, do you hear me!"

"Adalia, The written contract states that I may not participate in the act of love for the next fifty years. it doesn't control my thoughts. And it doesn't say I can't talk with another female!"

Then the expected smack came. Right on the left cheek, and she left a burn. I took her hand, knowing I couldn't argue(yet), and gave it a small lick. Then, placed it over the burn. It began to heal slowly.

"Go back home Adalia," I said. Now tears were streaming down her face. I dropped her hand, and walked back to Xexilia.

okay, if that confused neone, let me know
