
It was cold, wet, and dark. There were so many bones laying on the ground that every where you stepped there was a chrunch. Ashido had been in the chambers for what seem like a life time. The darkness was biting at his soul. He found a spot to stop and rest. He was afarid for the first time in his life. He had been running from something he could not see. He closed his eyes just for a second and when he open them he saw his father and mother standing before him. They spoke, "Why did you kill us? Why? We loved you and cared for you but yet you killed us!" Ashido jumped up and slammed against the wall. There was no exit. He panicked and screamed, "I didn't kill you it was someone else.!" His parents slowly moved towards him and said, "It was you, you were to weak to protect us. We died because of you." Ashido's heart skipped a beat. Then he felt something warm filling up his heart. It was power but a dark power. He started shaking in fear. His dad mmoved closer and said, "release it boy, release the darkness in your heart!" Ashido jumped back and felt a sword handle in his hand, but it had no blade. His parents got closer, and he swung the handle, and heard the sound of metal hitting a wall. Coming out of the handle was now a vine of thorwns, but were black and made of metal, and at the end of it were two fangs. The sword called to him, "I am the power you dream of, and the power you deserve. I have three forms, Conquer, Crush, and Erase. Use my power well, and never fear the dead again." Ashido then appeared outside the castle. He looked around puzzeled, and then the sword said, "I've taken you where you truly want to be." Ashido smilied and then heard a laugh. He looked up and saw Knightly standing by the door. "About time you came back brother." Ashido ran to his brother and hugged him, "I'm sorry brother I was weak, but now I am strong." They walked into the castle and found two rooms and went to bed.
Well decided to bring him back sooner, oh his new sword has a name it just hasn't been revealed yet, and it stays in its sword handle form until he needs it.
