Spare Room


It was cold and windy as the people in the castle actually let us use a spare room for tonight. They told us that they would tell us if we were able to stay or not in the castle.

"Does it really look like we care right now?" Alice spat towards them and they flinched a little. She did have a stingy tongue at most times.

They led us up to an empty, white, spare room and just directed us to the closet and basics. The guards who were around were eying us, so it made me think there had to be other demons around here if they were giving us a really weird look.

Alice just slipped into some white pajamas that was just a tank top and bottoms. I just kept on my jeans and just got into bed, my sister just slipping in with me. We never really understood why, but besides that we were twins, we just had a weird connection. Just like basic brother and sister, but nothing weird really. Nothing weird at all, though when people found us sleeping together, they just thought we were weird.

Alice fell asleep in my arms, and it took me a few minutes to fall asleep. Something was up about this castle. I just couldn't really name it.

When I fell asleep, I slowly felt our hair color changing.

Just basic sister wanting to be with her brother because she's not used to sleeping alone. Twin thing. Dunno. XD
