What the?

I pased on the balcony outside my room. I couldn't sleep, I had to much on my mind. I couldn't stop the prophesy from repeating in my brain. Even werse I was starting to get a head ache from it. I heard a soft tap on the railing, Koji. No I was just being to sensitive, Koji couldn't get to me here. “Um hello my names Haru.” I looked around at that to see a boy with blue hair, and waring strange clothing looking at me, “This is going to sound strange but are we in Ari?” I stared at him. What the fuck was that suppose to mean. “Um hello are you going to answer me or not?”

I loked him over one more time. "Lesion I have no idea what this Ari is. We're in Atalia, or to be more precise we're at the princes castle. You must have fallen out of a tree and hit your head." I said in a hard tone. I had no patience at the moment. I walked over to the door. "Well there's no resion to leave you out here," I said in a gentler tone as I opened it.
Yuki's realy having a bad time.
