It's nothing

“Is something on your mind?” The blue haired boy, Haru I think it was asked.

“Come on just come in you look exhausted.” I said not wanting to tell him or anyone. The prophecy was my weight to bare.

“You’re different form everyone else I met today.” I gave him a bit of a stare, what did he mean by that.

“What are you talking about? You must have amnesia or something and get off the railing.” I said giving him a slightly hard look.

“You might be right maybe I do have amnesia.” He said walking to the door.

"I haven't told you what you can call me, I'm Yuki," I muttered as I fallowed him through the door. I noticed a plate of food near the door to the rest of the castle. Kallik must have brought it for me.

I went up and looked at it. There was a small note on the tray. I picked up the note. "You can have that food if you want it," I told Haru. He looked embarrass as he started eating. I unfolded the note and read it.

What's bothering you Yuki? Why didn't you come to get something to eat? Is it the prophecy? Is it related to Koji? Please Yuki, tell me. I don't want you to hold it in. I can help you. The past is the past. Please tell our new friends, or if you still don't want others to be attached to you teem-mates. They have a right to know. I'll tell them if you don't, and try to make friends with them. People always die. Yuki I know you don't want them hurt by that prophecy, but they will be anyway. You have to choose how badly it hurts you. Please Yuki don't keep it hidden from them. They may even be able to help, please.~Kallik

I sighed and stuffed the note into my pocket. "You can go to sleep in the bed," I told Haru, who by this time was hovering over me. He went to sleep as I leaned back ageist one of the walls. I leaned there thinking. What if one of them knew how to kill one of my clans swords before it's true form was reveled.

It must have been about an hour before the door opened and I saw the fairy Lilith. She looked at me "It's morning. We'll be leaving soon." She said then she noticed Haru, "Who is he?"

I shrugged, "he just showed up over the night."
Who would like there character to know about the prophecy?
