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Sitting up, I glanced up at the crescent moon, which shone brightly like a beacon in the night sky surrounded by the twinkling stars. If only I had been that lucky, lucky enough to find loyal followers that would be able to stay with me for all eternity like the stars and the moon.

Unfortunately, I seemed to be the sun, who no one liked to look at, chasing after the moon, who everyone wanted to look up to. I wasn't good enough to deserve anything other than my rotten life I was given. It was punishment for something, something I had yet to discover.

My own mother had done this to me out of her egotistical, selfish manners. She didn't want me to ever die, but in doing so, she had forced me to watch everyone I ever cared about die before me while I was powerless to do anything other than watch them.

Standing up, I walked to the river's edge, which wasn't too far away from the castle. Sitting on the bank, I looked at my reflection in the water. At the moment, I was posing as a beautiful maiden. It saddened me that I had to put up these stupid facades. The real me was ugly and no one would want to get to close.

I sighed as I morphed into my true form. My long, blonde locks of hair blowing in the slight breeze. My piercing blue eyes scared even me with the coldness they held within them. It was a necessary precaution. If I didn't put up that wall, who knew who would get too close at get hurt. A lone tear fell down my cheek. What was wrong with me? Was it because everyone else seemed to have someone close to them? I didn't usually interact with this many people. I chose to stay alone. Was I lonely? Was that this empty feeling in the pit of my stomach?

I heard a noise behind me; turning, I saw Sahiro emerging from the trees. "What are you doing out here?" he asked gently, approaching me tentatively.

I looked up at him, wondering if he could read me like an open book. I hoped not. I was at my most vulnerable at this point, and I didn't want to hurt him or get stepped on, again. "Enjoying the night," I replied softly.

He sat down beside me. "Mind if I join you?"

"You've already made up your mind," I nodded my head nonetheless. Deep down, deep, deep down in my heart, I was glad he was here.

