
Sahiro was sitting beside me and we were just shooting the breeze when a wolf howled; it was pretty loud and seemed to come from right behind us. Sahiro screamed, grabbing me. I wasn't expecting it and we ended both falling into the river. I glared at Sahiro who on top of me, my whole body complete soaked through.

"You idiot!" I shouted, hoping against all odds that he wouldn't notice my red face. I pushed him off of me, trying to put some distance between the two of us.

"Uhh... sorry!" he said rubbing his head and smiling as he got up and out of the river.

"Have you forgotten you are part wolf yourself?" I asked as I got up. Trudging out of the river, I sat back down on the log ignoring the chill that went through my body from the cold. Sahiro was wringing out his dripping wet clothes, looking a little embarrassed. I smiled slightly before realizing what I was doing. I quickly ducked my head. What was wrong with me? Snap out of it, Emiko!

"Want to go back? It is kinda late..." he asked suddenly, pulling me out of my own thoughts, which was probably a good thing. I was getting a little carried away.

"Ya sure," I mumbled as I stood up and we began the trek back to the castle. I glanced at Sahiro out of the corner of my eye. He was staring straight ahead and seemed to be lost in thought. I wondered what about.

Wait, why did I care? Why was I suddenly being so... unlike me? Was it because he was showing me compassion? Caring? Kindness? Something that no one else had shown me in a long time? Or, was it something much deeper than that, which was what I was leaning more towards.

I shook my head. I wasn't interested in Sahiro. That was a foolish and rediculous notion to even be contemplating. It wouldn't ever be able to work out, even if I allowed my emotions to run free. I was immortal, and he well, wasn't as far as I knew.

No, I needed to keep myself in check, keep my emotions in check, I corrected. The trail was getting narrower as we neared the castle, as the trees were getting pushed farther together so we walked in single file order, me behind Sahiro. He held the branches so it wouldn't hit me in the face, which was quite considerate of him.

I sighed, wondering what I was going to do about him. I considered telling him off, keeping my distance from him, but I couldn't bring myself to actually do that. I didn't want to be alone anymore. Centuries of alone time was enough for me. What I wouldn't do to be mortal again.

Again, I wondered what Sahiro was thinking about. I bet he hated me; I had never really treated him kindly. In fact, I was always yelling at him. The poor guy had no idea how I really felt!

