I don't know what to say

I stood there motionless, staring straight ahead, but at nothing. My eyes had probably clouded over as I fought with myself inside my own head. He wanted to be immortal? Was there such a way? Well, there was the same way my own mother had done it to me. By dipping me into my family's cursed spring, she had placed the curse on me. I knew exactly where that spring was, but how could I be certain Sahiro meant what he said?

It was hard for me to even fathom having another immortal being beside me, as a friend. No one had ever said such a thing to me before, and I wasn't real sure how to handle it. I wanted to laugh and cry and jump for joy all at the same time.

I glanced up at the star studded sky. Could Sahiro be the savior my mother had once talked about right before she died?

"A savior will break that cold heart of yours, Emiko," my mother, on her deathbed assured me icily. Funny how she herself treated me so coldly.

I smirked, my eyes blood red, lusting to kill something, "That will be the day. You assured that no one would be able to truly get close to me," I told her with some resentment in my voice.

"If that is how you look at life, you will surely fail. There will be someone out there that accepts you for who you are," my mother's voice was almost gentle, caring in a way.

I glared at her, "What do you know? You know full well that I will always be alone."

"I prayed to the God's to grant my wish, and they will Emiko," she assured me before closing her eyes forever.

I glanced up, focusing my eyes on Sahiro, who was now in front of me. "Why would you want to even be around me?" I whispered. "I'm a cold hearted person, who takes great pleasure in the kill. I am mean to you always. How can you say such things?" I paused for a moment. "I do know of a way to be immortal.... Did you mean what you said?"

