
"You are the first person I have ever met that has made me feel like this, its like I can really smile when I am with you and not just put a fake smile on to cover up what I am feeling," Sahiro told me, and I had the feeling he was being genuine.

"Do you realize what you would be giving up by becoming immortal? You will never get the chance to be 'normal' ever again. You will have to watch as others die all around you," i told him, trying to prepare him for what he was getting himself into. "You can't go back once it happens. You can't have any doubts or any regrets."

"Yes, and I understand!" Sahiro nodded. "No one here accepts me for who I am. They probably wouldn't even care if I was gone. I wouldn't miss any of them. I want to be your friend, Emiko. I want to be with you."

I was feeling a surge of emotions and decided to just go with it for once in my life. I kissed Sahiro on the mouth for five seconds before heading into the castle. "Why don't you sleep on it. Give me your answer in the morning." Dear God, what had I done?

Ya, I just went with it...
