
He was impatient, I could see that, to become immortal, but I admired the fact that he was able to contain that and just wait. He was a little surprised that I was royalty, but oh well. He'd get used to it. I was still me, crown and all. I followed him outside, and we ended up in the gardens.

The hedges were a foot taller than I was and blooming colorful flowers. I closed my eyes, relishing the breeze in my hair. I held my hair out of my face as I breathed in the scent of fresh air. I loved that smell, it was one of the few things that never got old.

We ended up just wandering around, taking in the sights a bit. When I was tired of walking, I plopped down in the grass, at the center of the gardens. Sahiro sat next to me.

"So?" he started, unsure of how to break the silence.

"You'll get used to the silence when you are immortal. It's all around you then," I told him. Of course, I had been alone for the better part of my life, so maybe his life would be different than mine.

"I don't think I could handle this much quiet," he told me, a smile on his face. He was too hyper for his own darn good.

I smirked, probably the closest I'd get to a real smile. "Just enjoy the time you have as a mortal. Over the decades, you'll miss it," I told him as I laid down in the grass, relishing the feel of it beneath my arms.

Ya, I'm tired, so sorry it's short.
