prophecy reviled

I walked with Haru to the dinning hall. I didn't know if he'd end up helping us or not, but that was his choose. We entered the dinning hall and I looked around. Emiko and Sahiro weren't there yet but everyone else was. I watched the others eat, I couldn't eat again. I was about to revele my darkest secret to a bunch of complete strangers. I shifted in my char. Finely I saw Emiko and Sahiro walk in. I pushed my char back and stood up.

"Everyone I have something to tell you," I said my voice shaking. "I wouldn't tell you this if it wasn't important for you to know. There's a prophecy in my clan. When twins are born into our clan, an evil sword will come to light. That evil sword will entrance a twin of it's choice. After becoming entranced the twin will leave the clan. The other twin will stay in the clan. This twin will become one of the best warriors in the clan. Then he will be taken out by the entranced twin."

"And what does this have to do with us?" Someone asked.

"I have a twin brother." I said simply and sat down.
So the group knows about the prophecy now.
