
Ashido had woken up from hunger. He was so tired that he didn't even realizie that he hasn't eaten anything since before the test began. He walked down to the kitchen and found something to snack on. He then noticed a nice smell coming from outside. He walked to the window and noticed a garden growing outside. He jumped out the window and land softly on the ground. He then started walking around the garden. "It reminds me of when I was little, and mom and dad." He said to himself. He would walk over to each plant and say something about what his parents had told him about it. He finally walked over to a vine looking plant. He softly touched it and he felt pain in his finger. He realizied that the plant was a rose vine. It was full of buds waiting to burst open in the soon coming morning light. "Their going to be red colored. They look just like the ones mom used to grow...." He picked one of the buds of and held it in his hand. "She always did say roses bloom twice in a year." He ran a little of his power into the bud and it opened to reveal a beautiful red rose. *A flash back begans* "Ashido do you know why I love red roses?" His mom asked. "No why?" "They remind me of your eyes. So when I say them I think of you." "So thats why you let them grow everywhere?" "Yes, because it reminds me that your growing everyday, like a rose about to bloom." *Flash back ends* Ashido grabs his rosary beads he keeps hiding under his shirt. "Mom I wonder if your looking down on me right now. You probably laughing at how me and Knightly have turned out. You always said that I was the rose and he was the wolf." He then brings the beads to his mouth and says a prayer, then walks back inside to see if anyone is up so he can have someone to talk to.
Just wanted to show a little more of Ashido's past.
