Ugh, morning...

((soz I haven't posted, I got really lost for a while, plus I was busy. It'll probably be really short for now...))

I woke up with Tsuki beside me. She looked at me and yawned. Waving a hand in front of my nose, I choked out "Ew, morning breath..." Standing up, I pulled on my clean clothes and walked out, Tsuki padding behind me.

I passed a mirror, and suddenly understood some of the looks from the few people I walked passed. My hair was a huge tangled mess. Huge black bags under my eyes, which were a bit red. Ignoring the bed head look, I continued onto breakfast.

I sat down when suddenly Yuki stood up.

"Everyone I have something to tell you," he said with a shaky voice. "I wouldn't tell you this if it wasn't important for you to know. There's a prophecy in my clan. When twins are born into our clan, an evil sword will come to light. That evil sword will entrance a twin of it's choice. After becoming entranced the twin will leave the clan. The other twin will stay in the clan. This twin will become one of the best warriors in the clan. Then he will be taken out by the entranced twin."

Why was he telling us this?

"How does this concern us?!" called someone.

"I have a twin brother." he said and sat back down. There was silence for a bit as I let it soak in. Tsuki jumped up into my lap and nuzzled my hand. I wanted to stand up and hug Yuki. Instead, I remained there, petting Tsuki's head. As my food arrived (deer steak! Yum!), I ate in little bites.

