Rough Morning

"Ryou,why are you humans so loud in the morning?" i said yawning."Cuz we can." he said back to me rubbing his eyes.

So we were sitting at the breakfest table and we see Hanna and Chase running around and crap."HE WAS IN MY BED!!" said the girl.and then it got all messy again."someone did not have a good night." Ryou said."i cant blame her,she's a girl who found a dude in her bed.of course she would freak." i said eating toast."i wouldnt be.i only know one guy that would do that to me." Ryou said pointing his knife at me.Then i remembered,when we were little(sometimes even as teens) i would sleep with Ryou in his bed."SHHH!!dont say that out load!" i said covering his mouth with my hand,then whispered in his ear,"thats because we were little,and your the one who wet the bed,and hugged me all the time." and then he got red,and put his finger to his lips and said "Shh!"

Yeah its a brother thing.i dont know if the others would get it.but its fun teasing Ryou!
