

I was sleeping peacefully until I heard, "HE WAS IN MY BED!"

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, yawning that made me look like a kitten, and looked over to where my brother was. He was playing his violin, but stopped once he heard what I heard.

"September, what was that?" I whined as I plopped down back on the bed and he just sighed.

"I have no idea, Alice," September told me and he just yawned again as I shuffled my sketchbook out of my bag and just started to draw something I had seen in my dreams. It wasn't really pretty.

"Delivery!" I heard a voice say from outside the room and September got up and answered the door. He took what seemed to be an envelope from a guard and closed the door right afterwards.

September came over to me and sat beside me on the bed. He opened it up and it seemed that it was talking about the only way we had to stay in this palace was by just behaving as best we could. I just nodded and September just put it on the nightstand.

I went back to drawing the gore picture as more yelling continued outside the room.

They're really relaxed in the morning. Anybody can go and barge in on them if they want to! ^-^
