New People

I shot up off the pillow and looked over at Yuki who was chatting with some fairy thing.
“It’s wake.” The little fairy gasped at my sudden movement.
“Excuse me who are you calling an it?” I muttered under me breath. *Stress mark*
“I was just about to leave if you want to come then you can.” Yuki told me.
I stood up and shrugged. “I have nothing better to do.” I said waving my hand and making my wings disappear.
“How did you do that?” The fairy asked.
“I just used my magic it’s not that big of a deal.” I sighed walking over to Yuki and the fairy.
Yuki sighed and walked out of the room. The little fairy and I followed.
“So where are we again?” I asked looking around.
“The princes’ castle.” He answered me.
“I don’t know any princes’.” I muttered a little bit too loud. “…do I?”
“How am I going to know the answer to that?” He sighed walking a little faster.
“Sorry I said anything.” I huffed.
We entered a room where there were other people that I saw from yesterday. They all had a strange essence about them. This can’t be Ari, not that I didn’t trust Yuki’s answer from last night but I’ve never met these people before and I’ve never known a prince. Or did I just dream up Ari?
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Yea I finally posted again…yea I can’t think of anything else to say.
